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Continuous work history and work experience for all situations
The period of continuous labor activity is taken into account with one employer or with several, if during the transition from one enterprise to another, the duration of the break did not exceed the values ​​established by labor legislation. And for medical workers
There, far away, across the river (with illustration
In 1957, Yuri Korints (1923-1989), a student of the Gorky Literary Institute, published his first book of poems, "An Overheard Conversation", he was no less than 34 years old... And in these three and a half decades, a lot of joyful and sad
Style and color are the main components of a beautiful table setting Elegant table setting in light green color
Festive table setting is a whole art, involving the observance of certain rules and knowledge of the basic norms of etiquette. The ability to rationally set the table with a clear arrangement of cutlery indicates the taste and level of intelligence.
How to decorate eggs for Easter with your own hands - step-by-step master classes with photos and videos
Decorating Easter eggs is an ancient tradition, without which not a single celebration of the Resurrection of the Lord is complete by believing Christians. There are many options for jewelry, ranging from traditional dyeing, including natural dyes,