Diet for weight loss 6 petals menu. Menu and recipes


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The 6 petals weight loss diet was developed by Anna Johansson, a nutritionist from Sweden. Most likely, this option for getting rid of extra pounds will appeal to everyone who does not like to limit themselves in the amount of food they eat, and to those who want to quickly achieve the desired result.

At first glance, Anna Johansson's 6 petals diet may seem very simple. After all, it is based on the principle of eating foods from one group on each of the six days. For example, one day you can eat only vegetables, another only meat, etc. However, the sequence of consumption of certain foods plays a leading role in the process of destruction of fatty tissue and removal of waste products from the body. Thus, the maximum effect in reducing fat reserves depends precisely on compliance with the rules of the system.

Principle of the 6 petals diet

The 6 Petals Diet has the simplest menu: you only need to consume six food groups. These are vegetables, cottage cheese, cereals, fish, chicken, fruits. You can add salt, herbs, and spices to your food (but only natural ones)! With protein, fats begin to be intensively broken down, so weight is lost as quickly as possible. While following the six-petal diet, on some days you can include raw and baked vegetables in your diet, but without gravy, in their pure form.

You can also eat chicken without restrictions during your day, so hunger with this diet is simply excluded. During the curd day, it is allowed to include a small amount of low-fat milk in the menu. As for water, it should be consumed without restriction - the more, the better. On the sixth day, you can drink freshly squeezed juices, but not from high-calorie fruits (this includes grapes, bananas, melon).


On all days, it is allowed to drink herbal teas without sugar with virtually no restrictions. You can, for example, pre-order several different ones or even a set on IHerb. You can choose the one that you simply like best to your taste. The main thing is to make sure that there are no artificial flavors in it.

Psychological basis of diet

Among many nutritionists and ordinary users, the Johansson diet is called the “6 Petals.” It owes this to its psychological component, which is formed as a result of the visual perception of the image of a flower with six petals, on each of which the daily menu is written. This picture is hung on the refrigerator and at the end of each day the petal comes off. This system is aimed at creating positive motivation for the person losing weight during the entire process of losing weight, as well as the desire to achieve the goal, which intensifies as they approach the end of the course. At the same time, self-discipline increases, and the likelihood of breakdowns is practically eliminated.

Restrictions on the six petal diet

Reviews about the six petals diet will undoubtedly be positive if you comply with absolutely all the requirements established by nutritionists. First of all, it is necessary to exclude baked goods (except grain bread), sugar, chocolate, cocoa, butter, sausages, smoked meats, and canned food from the diet. All products must be fresh, without preservatives.

Water, tea, juices can be consumed between meals, but it is not recommended to “wash down” food during a meal - this slows down digestion. Portions should be small, but you can eat them quite often - up to six times a day.

Of course, each reader may have a question: will there be any discomfort from the fact that you can eat one type of food during the day? Perhaps, and even most likely, you will want to eat something tasty, as is usually the case. But you won’t feel hungry, as happens with other diets. And, as the lucky ones who have noticeably become slimmer say, the effectiveness of the technique is felt very quickly!

Six petals diet: sequence of mono-diet

  • The first day - fish dishes. On this day, it is recommended to eat any kind of fish, boiled, baked or steamed. You can't fry it. It is allowed to add spices, a little salt and herbs to dishes. Eating fish soup will also be beneficial.
  • Second day - vegetables. The diet of this day should consist only of vegetables. They can be eaten raw, prepared in salads, or stewed. It is allowed to add mild seasonings to prepared dishes. Natural vegetable juices can also be prepared and consumed. However, canned and pickled foods should be excluded.
  • The third day is poultry. On the third day, you should eat exclusively poultry meat, preferably chicken. To do this, the fillet is separated and steamed, boiled or baked. It's still worth avoiding fried foods. You can add a small amount of spices, herbs and salt to the meat. It's also a good idea to eat some chicken broth.
  • The fourth day is cereals. For this day, dishes based on a variety of grains are recommended. It can be all kinds of cereals, bran bread, and crispbread.
  • Fifth day - cottage cheese menu. On the fifth day, all dairy and fermented milk products with a low fat content are allowed. It can be milk, fermented baked milk, kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese, cheese. At the end of the diet, such a diet is very useful both in terms of the content of substances necessary for the body, and in terms of maintaining a normal mood due to its balanced composition.
  • Sixth day - fruits. This day is the final day and its menu should consist of unsweetened fruits. They can be prepared in the form of salads, purees and juices.

Detailed diet menu

Our ladies, when creating menu recipes for weight loss, can be very inventive, and often do not strictly follow the restrictions, which, by the way, are a prerequisite for the diet. Therefore, it is better to give one example of a detailed diet for the day, so that everyone can get an idea of ​​how to eat.

The first day:

  • 8:00 - boiled sea bass fillet (you can use cod, hake, pike perch);
  • 11:00 - low-fat fish, baked in the oven with dill and parsley;
  • 14:00 - fish soup (you can add shrimp and rapana meat to the fish) without vegetables;
  • 17:00 - fish cooked in a double boiler;
  • 20:00 - boiled pike perch with spices.

Between meals - green, black, herbal tea without sugar.

Second day:

  • 8:00 - Jerusalem artichoke, turnip or carrots, grated;
  • 11:00 - vegetable stew or puree without oil (in its own juice);
  • 14:00 - stewed cabbage with boiled potatoes;
  • 17:00 - beets, carrots cooked in a double boiler;
  • 20:00 - raw vegetables.

Between meals: vegetable juices, green and black tea

Day three:

  • 8:00 - boiled chicken fillet;
  • 11:00 - chicken breast baked in foil with added spices;
  • 14:00 - white meat soup with roots and herbs;
  • 17:00 - chicken cooked on the grill (or grill);
  • 20:00 - boiled chicken fillet.

Between meals: chicken broth, tea

Day four:

  • 8:00 - porridge cooked in water from cereals;
  • 11:00 - buckwheat porridge cooked in water (with spices);
  • 14:00 - rice porridge or rice (on water);
  • 17:00 - oatmeal in water with the addition of seeds (no more than 50 grams);
  • 20:00 - buckwheat porridge with herbs.

Between meals: herbal tea

Day five:

  • 8:00 - low-fat cottage cheese + yogurt (natural);
  • 11:00 - cottage cheese (1% fat) with added milk;
  • 14:00 - cottage cheese (5% fat) without additives;
  • 17:00 - cottage cheese with kefir;
  • 20:00 - low-fat cottage cheese without additives.

In between meals: you can drink 1 glass of milk, tea without restrictions

The 6 petals diet can be repeated after 2 weeks

Pros and cons of the 6 petals diet

Despite the monotonous diet, the petal diet does not cause fatigue. There is also no psychological dissonance, which is often observed with a monotonous diet. For six days, the body consistently receives healthy foods containing microelements and amino acids. You can do it in a week.

The 6 petals diet is not suitable for those who work. using special products takes a lot of time, so it is better to apply the technique while on vacation. Nutrition according to this system is not recommended for persons with liver disease.

Exit from the six petals diet

During the six petal diet, people do not experience hunger, so no special preparation is required to exit the diet. In the first days, it is not recommended to eat fried, smoked and fatty foods (or better yet, avoid them altogether), drink carbonated drinks, and alcohol.

If you are concerned about whether your body is getting all the nutrients it needs, you can supplement your diet with a good one.

6 Petals Diet: Results

The results of the 6 Petals Diet are simply amazing! The Dietetic Association, which monitored the voluntary trials of fifteen participants, unanimously decided to officially recognize this technique. It was also found that those volunteers who followed the 6 petal diet recipes recommended by Johansson significantly improved their health indicators. Women, who made up the majority in the group, lost up to 800 grams per day, and at the same time felt great. Many people's complexion improved, they became more energetic and in a good mood.

The 6 petals diet menu can be viewed in the photo, and it is also recommended to study video materials with detailed recommendations from nutritionists.

All kinds of diets allow us to get in shape in a short time. One of the popular short-term weight loss systems is a diet called “Six Petals”. It consists of six one-day mono-diets, protein and carbohydrate, which alternate with each other. The 6 petals diet, the menu for which we will look at every day, will make it possible to quickly get rid of several kilograms, but you need to know what exactly you can eat while following it, and how to prepare healthy dishes for every day.

The basic principles, essence and results of the “Six Petals” diet, proposed by Swedish nutritionist Anna Johansson, are described in detail in the corresponding article. Let us remind you what six days of this diet will be like:

  • Day 1. We eat fish.
  • Day 2. Vegetable.
  • Day 3. Based on chicken.
  • Day 4. Carbohydrate - based on cereals.
  • Day 5. Cottage cheese.
  • Day 6. We eat fruits.

The 6 petals diet menu is considered quite balanced. It saturates the body with both proteins and carbohydrates, promoting effective weight loss. Let's take a closer look at how you will need to eat every day from six “petals”.

Day 1 - Fish

The first day on the 6 petals diet menu for a week is based on fish of any kind. It is recommended to stew, bake or steam it. During the day you need to consume no more than 500 grams of fish. It contains a large amount of Omega-3 fatty acids, which are necessary for the body, including because they promote healthy weight loss. And the protein contained in fish is well absorbed by the body and helps maintain muscles during weight loss.

The menu for this day may include the following types of fish:

  • Dietary fish (0.2-4% fat content): pollock, tuna, cod, pike perch, trout, hake, ide and so on.
  • Fish with a high protein and fat content (4-8%): sea bass, carp, horse mackerel, pink salmon.
  • Fatty fish (more than 8% fat). This includes herring, salmon, mackerel, halibut, sturgeon, and eel.

The best option is to combine both fatty and dietary fish varieties in one day. For variety, you can also add seafood to the menu, such as mussels, shrimp, and squid. It is allowed to drink tea without sugar; it is also important to have a sufficient amount of clean water. On this day, the body usually does not experience stress, as it receives a sufficient amount of protein. On this day, the six petal diet menu can be based on the following recipes:

  • Baked trout. Clean the fish, rinse it, rub it a little with salt (although ideally it is advisable to do without it). Bake the trout in the oven until done. Then remove the skin. To improve the taste characteristics, you can pour lemon juice on top of the fish.
  • Pollock meatballs with herbs. Pass the pollock carcasses through a meat grinder. Finely chop the greens, add them to the minced fish, lightly salt and pepper. Roll small balls, place them on a baking sheet and bake until done.
  • Baked pollock. Cut the pollock carcasses into pieces, lightly salt and pepper. Bake in the oven. Finally, garnish with fresh herbs.

Day 2 - Vegetable

On the second day of the 6 petals diet, the menu will consist of vegetables. You can prepare various dishes from them with minimal use of salt and spices. Other products, including vegetable oil, are prohibited. You can also drink vegetable juices. Vegetables can be baked, boiled, steamed or eaten raw. You can't fry them.

You can eat any vegetables, including starchy ones. It is better to combine different vegetables on this day - this way you can make the menu more varied.

When planning the menu and recipes for the 6 petals diet on this day, take the following into account:

  • The basis of the diet can be a traditional cucumber-tomato salad.
  • Stuffed pepper. Stuff the vegetables with semi-cooked stewed cabbage, add tomato sauce and bake in the oven.
  • Grate or chop the boiled beets. Add garlic for added spice.
  • It is allowed to cook soups. Chop the eggplant, onion, carrots and tomatoes, place them in a saucepan and cook for about seven minutes.
  • Cold soup. Blend bell pepper, tomato, onion and herbs in a blender. If you want to make the dish more liquid, you can add another tomato.
  • Baked pumpkin is tasty and healthy. Cut it into slices, place it on a baking sheet and leave it in the oven for an hour.

Day 3 - Chicken

The third day of the diet is based on the consumption of chicken meat. You can use fillets and breasts. Chicken is a pure protein, low in fat and almost no carbohydrates, making it a popular dietary product. You cannot eat more than 500 grams per day. You can use up to 200 ml of chicken broth. An approximate menu for the 6 petals diet on this day could be like this:

  • Breakfast: boiled chicken breast.
  • Lunch: chicken fillet baked in foil.
  • Lunch: chicken broth, to which you can add a little salt, spices and herbs.
  • Afternoon snack: skinless breast, grilled.
  • Dinner: a piece of boiled fillet.

Be sure to remove the skin from the chicken, otherwise there is no point in talking about healthy eating.

The chicken can be boiled, steamed into cutlets, or baked. One of the recipes could be this: place pieces of poultry rubbed with seasoning on a layer of onions in a duck pot. You can add chopped tomato on top, which will add juice to the dish. Simmer over low heat for about two hours.

Day 4 - Cereal

The 6 petals diet, whose daily menu is quite simple, will saturate your body with healthy complex carbohydrates on the fourth day. You can eat any porridge, bran, grain bread, sprouted grain, and a small amount of seeds in between. A small amount of kvass is also allowed. On this day, the body will be effectively cleansed. An approximate detailed menu for the 6 petals diet on this day could be like this:

  • Breakfast: millet porridge boiled in water.
  • Snack: buckwheat;
  • Lunch: boiled brown rice;
  • Afternoon snack: oatmeal;
  • Dinner: buckwheat.

In between meals, you can eat a small amount of seeds, which will help cope with hunger.

Buckwheat can be prepared as follows: in the evening before the cereal day, rinse it, pour it into a thermos and pour boiling water in a ratio of 1:2. Yours will be ready in the morning. You can also bring the cereal to a boil in a saucepan and immediately turn it off. After a few hours, the grains will steam.

You can diversify the menu by preparing buckwheat balls. Cool the buckwheat and grind it in a blender. Add the onion and herbs, beat again. Now the mass needs to be shaped and baked. You can use different grains depending on what you like best.

Day 5 - Curd

In the 6 petals diet menu for every day, the penultimate day is important, which, in essence, is a fasting on cottage cheese. For many, it becomes difficult, since not everyone likes to eat only cottage cheese. To improve the taste, you can add 1-2 tablespoons of low-fat sour cream to the cottage cheese. You can also drink a glass of milk. The cottage cheese itself should be low-fat. This day will saturate the body with valuable milk protein. The menu could be as follows:

  • Breakfast. Cottage cheese with a little yoghurt.
  • Snack: a glass of milk.
  • Lunch: cottage cheese.
  • Afternoon snack: a glass of natural yoghurt.
  • Dinner: cottage cheese.

During the day you need to eat no more than 500 g of cottage cheese with a fat content of up to 5%. If you feel hungry in the evening, you can drink a glass of kefir. To improve the taste, you can add cinnamon to the cottage cheese. Sugar is prohibited. You can pay attention to such an interesting recipe as cottage cheese dumplings. You need to melt the cheese, roll the mass into balls, inside of which there will be cottage cheese. For stickiness, you can add egg white. The balls are boiled in milk for a couple of minutes.

Day 6 - Fruity

The six petals diet, the menu for each day of which ends with fruit, lasts six days, respectively, the fruit day will be the last. On this day we will eat fruit. You can eat them fresh or make smoothies. For example, place a banana, apple and kiwi in a blender bowl and blend. In fact, you can cook any fruit this way. You can combine different fruits by making a fruit salad and seasoning it with lemon juice. Freshly squeezed juices are also allowed. A delicious option for this day is baked apples with cinnamon and quince. You can also eat berries, fresh or thawed.

A detailed menu for the 6 petal diet on this day could be like this:

  • Breakfast: orange, apple.
  • Snack: banana.
  • Lunch: fruit salad.
  • Snack: a glass of fresh fruit juice.
  • Dinner: smoothie made from apple, kiwi and banana.

Experts do not recommend eating fruits that contain a lot of sucrose, such as grapes and bananas. But fruits, which are based on fiber, will speed up the weight loss process. Apples and citrus fruits are very useful.

You can bake pears in the oven by adding a little cinnamon or vanilla. Steamed apples are also a tasty and healthy option. Rinse them and pierce them a couple of times with a fork. Remove the core and replace it with a small amount of raisins. Wrap the apples in foil and place them in a double boiler for 15 minutes.

This concludes the 6 petals diet, the menu for which we reviewed every day. The menu can be changed and adjusted to your taste, but it should be based only on permitted products. You should not swap the days of the diet, since the secret of its effectiveness lies in a clear sequence, in particular, in the alternation of proteins and carbohydrates. If possible, and you want to consolidate the result, you can devote another day to the diet, which will be a fasting day - drink only water. Naturally, the ideal option is for this day to be a day off. Therefore, it is recommended to start the diet on Monday - this will help you avoid confusion.

A good option to lose those extra hated pounds quickly and without harm to your health is - 6 petals diet. The name immediately brings back memories of a children's fairy tale, in which 6 cherished petals fulfilled any wishes. And this parallel is not accidental, because according to reviews, this diet helps you quickly achieve the body of your dreams without much effort. The effect of such a diet will help not only lose weight, but also improve your well-being.

The 6 petals diet symbolizes a course of proper nutrition for six days, during which various mono diets alternate. This fun diet was developed by a leading nutritionist from Switzerland, Anna Johansson. Anna came up with the idea of ​​​​creating a flower of 6 petals. On each petal, write a separate mono diet, and at the end of the day, tear off one petal. By tearing off a petal, you morally encourage yourself and thank you for a successful day of dieting, for which you did not break down and followed the regime. And also in this way you see how many days you still have left on this diet.

Reviews and results of the 6 petals diet suggest that you can lose approximately 500-800 grams per day. The breakdown of fats in the body occurs through separate nutrition. This principle of eating prevents proteins from mixing with carbohydrates and breaks down fats faster. It is important to adhere to the following rules:

  • How long does the diet last: as the name suggests, the duration of weight loss is 6 days. If the end result does not satisfy you, you can repeat the course;
  • What is special: every day of the diet is a unique mono diet;
  • How much will you have to spend on groceries in 6 days: for a week of losing weight, it will cost you approximately 1.5 thousand rubles;
  • What are the results: if you follow all the rules and regimen, you lose 500 grams per day;
  • How often is it fashionable to carry out: follow such a diet, preferably no more than once a year;
  • Effect for the body and body: thanks to the alternation of proteins and carbohydrates, you quickly lose excess subcutaneous fat and muscle mass.

This diet should not be used by pregnant and lactating women; it is also not suitable for people with gastrointestinal problems or allergies to any of the foods listed in the diet. If you have any health problems, then before starting to lose weight on the 6 petals diet, it is better to consult a doctor.

Nutritional Features

In fact, it is the monotony of such nutrition that contributes to the process of losing weight. The body expects variety and in the process begins to use its fat reserves. At the same time, the metabolic process does not get used to certain products and does not go into energy saving mode, which is undoubtedly a plus. The approximate six-petal diet menu is compiled from a series of mono diets, but it is worth remembering that the product of the day must be consumed in moderation and not overeat. Recommendations for following the weight loss course - 6 petals:

  • Days of high protein food consumption. On these days, you can eat dairy products (low-fat), fish and meat. The daily norm is up to 500 g;
  • Plant Based Days. These days include the consumption of any fruits and vegetables that you like best. The daily norm is up to 1.5 kilograms;
  • Days of cereals. For cereal mono diets, cereals and whole grain bread or crispbread are available for consumption. The daily norm for cereals is 200 grams, for bread – 100 grams.

All 6 days of the course, products are consumed with a minimum amount of salt and completely without sugar. The petal diet for weight loss also requires you to drink up to 2 liters of water per day (still). Consume green tea without sugar, coffee, milk or additives. On curd days, you are allowed to drink kefir (300 ml). Salads can be seasoned with olive oil, a small amount and only the first pressing.

Expert opinion

Smirnov Viktor Petrovich
Dietitian, Samara

The “six petals” diet is very effective and differs favorably from other mono-diets in that they (mono-diets) last very short and replace each other daily. Unlike a protein diet, when the body is loaded with proteins for several days in a row, a person on the 6-petal diet, in fact, does not switch their enzymatic systems to protein consumption, and after a week they are ready to fully work with a regular diet. The downside of this diet is the ingenuity that needs to be shown to structure the menu for every day. But this is a plus for people with a simple character: it is much easier for them to eat one dish all day long than to waste time preparing a variety of different ones. So, during the first day it is recommended to eat fish in 4 different types. For many, it will be much easier to cook just one dish, but eat it all day. There will be no big disadvantage from this, especially since the next day will bring contrast and the desired variety, even if you eat only apples the whole next day. The only note is that it is not recommended to combine fish and meat days next to each other; it is advisable to space them evenly. Generally accepted rules, such as the last meal 4 hours before bedtime, the ban on eating fatty, fried, and flour foods themselves lead to gradual weight loss.

Restrictions during weight loss

The Tsvetik Seven-Tsvetik diet has excellent reviews and gives good results, but only if you follow all the instructions, diet and consume the prescribed amount of food without violating the regimen. To begin with, you should exclude from your diet all fatty, sweet, flour, chocolate, sausages, and canned food. You can only consume whole grain bread. Products must be fresh, without harmful additives, sweeteners and preservatives.

Do not wash down your food - this will significantly slow down your digestion! Drink tea, coffee, kefir, yogurt, water only between meals. Limit portions, they should be small but satisfying. Eat little but often, up to 6 meals a day.

The Swedish diet, as a rule, raises one question among readers: will there be problems and difficulties with eating one food all day? Of course, the first few days it will be difficult for you to get used to it and you will want to diversify your diet, eat something that is not healthy. But if you are determined to get a good result, then you should eat exactly according to the established regime. This diet saturates the body perfectly; you don’t feel hungry for a long time, unlike other similar weight loss options. The 6 petals diet is very effective and simple, and if you do everything correctly, you can get rid of extra pounds without difficulty.

Detailed menu of the 6 petals diet for every day

Let's look at the best 6 petals weight loss recipes:

  • Flower diet – 1 day – Fish.
  • Day 2 – Vegetable.
  • Day 3 - Meat.
  • Day 4 – Cereals.
  • Day 5 – Fermented milk.
  • Day 6 – Fruity.

Sample menu for each day:

Day: Mode: Menu:
1 day Breakfast Any favorite fish (hake, pike perch, cod, salmon). Boil and consume in moderation.
Snack Favorite fish baked with seasonings and herbs in the oven.
Dinner Cook a light fish soup, you can add seafood.
Snack Steamed fish fillet.
Dinner Boil small pike perch with seasonings and aromatic herbs.
Between meals, you can drink green and black tea, coffee, and water.
Day 2


1st meal Grate carrots or Jerusalem artichokes, you can use turnips to suit your taste.
2nd meal Prepare a vegetable stew; you can use any vegetables, without adding oil. Products should be stewed in their own juice.
3rd meal Boil some potatoes and use stewed cabbage as a side dish.
4th meal Vegetables in a steamer. Use carrots and beets.
5th meal For dinner, you can use any raw vegetables in moderation.
Between meals you can drink various vegetable juices and teas (green, black).
3rd day For breakfast One chicken breast (boil).
Late breakfast Bake the chicken fillet together with spices, herbs and herbs in the oven.
For lunch We cook a simple white meat soup with the addition of spices, herbs and roots.
Afternoon snack We fry the chicken on the grill (any part) only without fat and skin.
For dinner Boiled breast.
Between meals you can drink chicken broth, black, green tea.
4th day


1st meal Oatmeal or any other cereal porridge, cooked in water, without added sugar.
2nd meal Boiled buckwheat porridge with the addition of spices and aromatic herbs.
3rd meal Rice cooked in water.
4th meal Oatmeal, with water. You can add seeds (50 g).
5th meal Boiled buckwheat porridge with the addition of herbs or aromatic herbs.
Between meals, you can drink various herbal teas and coffee.
5th day

(fermented milk)

Breakfast A moderate amount of cottage cheese (low-fat) with the addition of natural yogurt.
Snack 1% cottage cheese with milk.
Dinner 5% cottage cheese.
Snack Cottage cheese of any fat content with the addition of kefir.
Dinner Low-fat cottage cheese in its pure form.
Between meals, you can consume milk and tea.
6th day


For breakfast Red apples (2 pieces), black natural coffee.
Late breakfast Banana (1 piece).
Dinner Orange (1 piece), bunch of grapes.
Afternoon snack Kiwi (3 pieces).
Dinner Green apples (2 pieces).
Between meals, eat, you can drink fresh fruit juices, herbal teas, and decoctions.

The last meal should be 4 hours before bedtime!

Exit and results of the diet

The flower diet is quite easy and allows you to quickly lose extra pounds. Chamomile with a schedule of your diet for the day motivates you to continue and go the distance to the end. As the experience of using such a weight loss course shows, if you follow all the recommendations, you can achieve excellent results.

The most important thing, after completion, is not to consume fatty, smoked or fried foods in large amounts of oil. You should completely avoid carbonated and alcoholic drinks. Special menus 6 petals can be viewed in the photo. The number of people losing weight on the 6 petals diet is growing every day. If you want to lose those extra pounds, then you should definitely try it!

Nutritionist Anna Johansson's Swedish 6 Petal Diet (often called "Chamomile" or "Flower") is based on a six-day mono menu (a special course of dietary nutrition for each day). The creator of the diet visualized her idea in the form of a flower with six petals (days).

On each petal she depicted a product allowed for consumption that day. The main thing is to consume foods exactly in the order in which it is recommended. Then for each 6-day cycle you can lose from 2 to 5 kg.

The essence of the 6 petals diet lies in some symbiosis of popular methods of proper separate nutrition and fasting monodays. The diet also follows the principle of alternating protein and carbohydrate foods, due to which metabolic processes in the body are accelerated.

The name of the nutritional system and the colors of the petals have nothing to do with the real petals of the plant and are of a psychological nature. Thanks to different colors and names of days, it is easier to track the progress of the diet and not confuse the stages.

Before starting a menu diet, you need to make a flower with different petals from colored paper, which can be used as a kind of calendar for every day. The visual effect does not allow you to “go away from the race.”

To begin, draw a flower with six petals, each of them will symbolize one day of struggle with your weight. After each day, tear off a petal and write on it the numbers of grams or kilograms lost.

Basic rules of the Swedish food system 6 petals.

  1. Days cannot be swapped. They go strictly one after another: fish, vegetable, chicken, cereal, curd and fruit. These are links of one chain;
  2. It is advisable to eat five times a day. You need to chew food very carefully;
  3. Drink more water. Green or black tea and 1 – 2 cups of coffee per day without added sugar are allowed. Alcohol is strictly prohibited;
  4. All foods containing sugar are excluded during the six petal diet;
  5. If you want to enhance the effectiveness of the diet, seven days after the first cycle you can repeat the course of six petals (for those losing weight this is called “doing several circles”);
  6. Physical exercise during the diet is encouraged.

How long you can stay on the flower diet depends on your weight and patience. As a rule, after completing one cycle and taking a break, it is recommended to repeat the course. However, after completing a six-day weight loss course, you don’t need to immediately pounce on your favorite food.

After all, health and weight depend on what you eat daily. Save as much as you can lose on the Swedish diet and continue to adhere to the principles of rational nutrition. The 6 petals diet will help you become slimmer and give you a chance to unlock your beauty potential.

The 6 petals diet has many advantages:

  • You can save a lot of money while on a diet. The food system allows you to eat everything that is in the refrigerator of each person or family, but with some restrictions. It is unlikely that you will have to make a special trip to the store for the 6 petals diet;
  • The duration of adherence to the menu is 6 days. During this time, you can achieve good results, and the body will not have time to get used to such stress;
  • Fats present in the diet prevent vitamin deficiency from occurring and its symptoms manifesting itself - brittle nails and hair, tooth loss, bleeding gums;
  • Every busy person can try the diet, since its menu includes the preparation of simple dishes - boiled, stewed or raw. This way, little time is spent on cooking;
  • 6 petals help cope with swelling. Within a week, most of them will be eliminated from the body naturally, and the volumes will decrease.

What to eat

For 6 days, you need to tune in to eating foods such as fish, cottage cheese, vegetables and fruits, chicken and porridge cooked from various cereals. On fish day, you can eat any kind of fish (fatty or lean), which is steamed or baked in the oven. Additionally, you can use greens any day: add them to dishes or make cocktails from them. The 6 petals diet helps to quickly eliminate excess weight. But it is important to consider that weight is lost due to the removal of excess fluid from the body, and not the elimination of fat.

Vegetables and fruits can be stewed or baked, eaten raw - as you wish. When preparing chicken meat, avoid the frying process, but the original product can be boiled or baked. By the way, the nutritionist allows you to consume salt in small quantities (if you want). When cooking meat or fish, you can use spices and herbs.

According to each day, you can drink fish, meat or vegetable broths, milk, kefir, vegetable or fruit juices, but there is a limit of 500 ml.

The diet allows the consumption of coffee. The only thing is that some restrictions must be observed. It is allowed to drink coffee only 1-2 times a day.

In addition to restrictions on food consumption (which is already clear from the principle of diet), there are a number of other prohibitions. For example, throughout the diet you need to give up alcohol and carbonated drinks, as well as large amounts of coffee and cocoa (except for the allowed 1-2 cups per day).

All sweets and fast food are also prohibited. The maximum that can be allowed is 1 tsp. honey added to tea. Even on a cereal day, you should not eat bread or other baked goods. Otherwise, just follow the recommendations of the author of the diet.

Prohibited Products

Diet6 petalsinvolves complete exclusion of the following types of foods from the diet:

  1. Baked goods of any kind (except whole grain bread);
  2. Confectionery;
  3. Sweets (not fruits), chocolate and any other sugar-containing products;
  4. Any types of oil;
  5. Smoked products, preservatives and semi-finished products;
  6. Coffee drinks, soda, compotes, juices (freshly squeezed juices are allowed on the sixth day of the diet);
  7. Other food groups not included in the diet menu.

Diet 6 petals: sample menu for 6 days

On the first day you need to eat exclusively fish, on the second – vegetables, on the third – chicken, on the fourth – cereal products, on the fifth – cottage cheese, on the sixth – fruits. The 6 petals diet can be repeated after 2 weeks.

Your six petals will look like this:

  1. Fish day;
  2. Vegetable day;
  3. Chicken Day;
  4. Cereal day;
  5. Curd day;
  6. Fruit day.

The secret is that separate fractional meals help the breakdown of fats well when proteins do not collide with carbohydrates. The 6 petals diet is based on alternating days on which you can eat strictly certain foods. Due to the alternation of foods, the body does not get used to food, and therefore does not accumulate excess energy in fat deposits. During the 6 petals diet, your weight decreases gradually day by day, and you will not suffer from a terrible feeling of hunger.

Effective diet 6 petals with a sample menu for every day:

First day - fish day

Any fish and fish fillet. Steam, boil, stew or bake. You can use fish broth. A variety of taste is achieved with spices, seasonings and herbs, a small amount of salt. On this day, the body consumes easily digestible protein and valuable dietary fats that are not prone to being deposited in fat depots.

  • 8:00 – boiled fish, cooked with salt and favorite spices;
  • 11:00 – fish baked in a slow cooker or oven with herbs and salt;
  • 14:00 – fish soup, cooked without adding vegetables or other ingredients;
  • 17:00 – steamed fish with appropriate natural spices;
  • 20:00 – slightly salted boiled fish.

Between meals - green, black, herbal tea without sugar.

Fish recipes.

  • Meatballs. Take pollock or hake (these fish have the least amount of small bones). Peel and grind through a meat grinder. Add onion, oregano to the minced meat, salt and pepper, stir. Form small balls and place in the oven or steamer for 15 minutes.
  • Baked fish. Spread the chopped onion and parsley on a baking sheet. Rub small and not dry fish with salt and place on onions with herbs, add a little water, throw in allspice for flavor. Keep in the oven for about 30 minutes. Vegetables should not be eaten; they are needed to enhance the taste and prevent burning.

Steamed haddock.


  • Haddock fillet - 400 g;
  • Bay leaf - 2 pcs.;
  • Pepper - a pinch;
  • Lemon juice - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse the fillet, squeeze a little and dry;
  2. Sprinkle fish with lemon juice and sprinkle with pepper;
  3. Boil water in a saucepan, add bay leaves;
  4. Place the haddock in a colander, place it on the pan and cover with a lid;
  5. Steam for 15–20 minutes;
  6. Before cooking, you can roll the fillets into rolls using toothpicks. Bon appetit!

The 6 petals diet lasts for six days, during which the person losing weight will follow 6 special mono-diets, successively following each other.

Baked fish steaks with lemon.


  • Fish steaks - 300 g.
  • Herbal seasoning - 2 tsp;
  • Pepper - a pinch;
  • Lemon juice - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Rub the fish steak with pepper and seasonings;
  2. Place the fish on a baking sheet, pour a little water on the bottom;
  3. Sprinkle steaks with lemon juice;
  4. Cook for 10-15 minutes, then turn on the grill function until lightly crusted. Bon appetit!

Second day - vegetable

Assorted vegetables - fresh, stewed, boiled, stewed, baked; all kinds of greens, herbs. Fresh vegetables. Use salt in minimal quantities. On this day, the body will not receive fat, and reserves will have to be used to digest plant carbohydrates.

  • 8:00 – two grated carrots (not too large);
  • 11:00 – mashed potatoes (without adding any oil);
  • 14:00 – vegetables stewed with salt and seasonings;
  • 17:00 – steamed vegetables;
  • 20:00 – raw vegetables.

Between meals: vegetable juices, green and black tea.

Recipe for stuffed peppers and tomatoes.

Cut off the tops of vegetables, remove seeds and pulp. Suitable fillings include diced zucchini, herbs, and chopped garlic. Stuff with fresh vegetables, season with pepper and salt, steam for no more than 15 minutes. The 6 petals diet has been helping women lose weight for several years now.

Vegetable stew.


  • Eggplant - 4 pcs.;
  • Carrots - 1 pc.;
  • Onion - 1 pc.;
  • Bell pepper - 1 pc.;
  • Tomatoes - 1 pc.;
  • Garlic - 1 clove;
  • Pepper - a pinch;
  • Fresh greens - a bunch;
  • Salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the eggplants and carrots into thin slices;
  2. Place part of the eggplants in a cooking dish, top with part of the carrots and onion cut into rings;
  3. Cut the bell pepper into strips and place on top;
  4. Next - finely chopped garlic;
  5. Then repeat the same layers again and finish with tomatoes;
  6. You can pour a little water into the bottom of the dish. Cook for 35–40 minutes. Bon appetit!

Salad of cucumbers, tomatoes and lettuce.


  • Fresh cucumber - 3 pcs.;
  • Tomatoes - 3 pcs.;
  • Lettuce leaves - 5 pcs.;
  • Olive oil - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • Vinegar 9% - 1 tsp;
  • Salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the cucumbers into slices, tomatoes into small pieces, tear the lettuce leaves into medium pieces;
  2. Add a little salt, olive oil and, if desired, vinegar. Mix everything. Bon appetit!

Third day - chicken

Chicken breast or fillet (without skin), low-fat chicken broth, herbs, salt, herbs. Not finding carbohydrates in this diet, the body synthesizes them from fat deposits.

  • 8:00 – boiled chicken breast;
  • 11:00 – chicken fillet baked in foil with spices to taste;
  • 14:00 – chicken soup with seasonings and herbs;
  • 17:00 – skinless chicken, grilled;
  • 20:00 – boiled chicken fillet.

In between meals: chicken broth, tea.

Recipe: Chicken aspic.

Boil chicken breast in lightly salted water. Divide into several pieces and place in a container. Take 15 g of gelatin, dissolve it in 100 g of broth, then combine with the remaining liquid and pour over the meat. Leave in the refrigerator until desired consistency. The 6 petals diet is a way to lose extreme weight.

Baked chicken fillet with herbs.


  • Chicken fillet - 300 g;
  • Dill - a bunch;
  • Basil - a bunch;
  • Pepper - a pinch;
  • Salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Make several cuts on the chicken fillet, sprinkle with salt and pepper, grate with herbs;
  2. Wrap in foil and bake for 35 minutes;
  3. After this, you can unwrap the foil and turn on the grill function for 5 minutes to form a light crust. Bon appetit!

Steamed cutlets.


  • Chicken fillet - 400 g;
  • Onions - 2 pcs.;
  • Slices of white bread - 4 pcs.;
  • Milk - half a glass;
  • Egg - 1 pc.;
  • Fresh greens - a bunch;
  • Pepper - a pinch;
  • Salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Soak the bread in milk; when it gets wet, squeeze it out and transfer it to another plate;
  2. Mince chicken fillet, onion and bread. Add the egg, salt and pepper, mix thoroughly;
  3. We form cutlets and steam them (you can use a double boiler or a slow cooker). Bon appetit!

The fourth day is cereal day

The food menu includes all types of porridge, sprouted grains, seeds, bran and grain breads. Options with kvass and herbs are possible.

  • 8:00 – porridge from sprouted wheat on water;
  • 11:00 – buckwheat porridge with spices and salt on water;
  • 14:00 – boiled rice (not steamed);
  • 17:00 – oatmeal with water and 50 g of seeds or nuts;
  • 20:00 – buckwheat on water with herbs.

Between meals: herbal tea.

Recipe for rice porridge with buckwheat.

An unusual porridge is prepared like this. Boil mixed wild rice and buckwheat. Cook until the rice is ready, but the buckwheat will boil and look like gravy. Add sesame seeds to the finished dish.

Buckwheat porridge.

Rinse the buckwheat several times, remove all excess. Fill with cold water in a ratio of 1:2. Wait until it boils, reduce the heat to medium and cook until the water has completely boiled away. You can add greens to the finished porridge.

Boiled rice in water.

Rinse the rice, pour twice as much water as the cereal into the pan. Cook for 15 minutes, check for doneness. You can rinse the rice to prevent it from being sticky.

It is better if the rice is not white, polished, but wild (brown). Instructions for cooking it are usually indicated on the packaging.

Fifth day - cottage cheese

The main dish is low-fat cottage cheese, yogurt and skim milk. Body cells are saturated with valuable amino acids and minerals, and the lack of carbohydrates is replenished from the “depot”.

  • 8:00 – low-fat cottage cheese with 2 tablespoons of natural yogurt without additives;
  • 11:00 – low-fat cottage cheese with 2 tablespoons of milk;
  • 14:00 – low-fat cottage cheese without everything;
  • 17:00 – low-fat cottage cheese with the addition of a small amount of milk;
  • 20:00 – low-fat cottage cheese without everything.

In between meals: you can drink 1 glass of milk, tea without restrictions.

Recipe: cottage cheese mousse.

Take 500 g of cottage cheese, add milk (200 g), add cinnamon and, if desired, sweeten with a sweetener. Beat the mixture in a blender and cool in the molds.

Low-fat cottage cheese with yogurt.

Pour yoghurt over cottage cheese. Do not add sugar or fruit.

Low-calorie cottage cheese casserole.


  • Egg white - 1 pc.;
  • Milk - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • Cottage cheese - 250 g;
  • Cinnamon - a pinch;
  • Salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Mix all ingredients and place in a baking dish;
  2. Cook for 25–30 minutes. Bon appetit!

Sixth day - fruity

A variety of fruits, fresh or baked. Fresh fruit without sugar. It is allowed to use spices such as cinnamon, coriander, vanilla, etc. This is the day of maximum weight loss.

  • 8:00 – two red apples and a cup of coffee without sugar;
  • 11:00 – one banana;
  • 14:00 – orange and grapes;
  • 17:00 – kiwi and pineapple;
  • 20:00 – two green apples.

In between meals, fresh fruit juices, herbal infusions, tea.

Vitamin smoothie recipe.

In a blender, beat banana, kiwi and 100 ml. orange juice.

Baked apples with honey and cinnamon.


  • Apple - 4 pcs.;
  • Honey - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • Cinnamon - a pinch.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the apples, cut out the middle, leaving the bottom;
  2. Sprinkle a little cinnamon inside;
  3. Pour honey;
  4. Place on a baking dish and cook for 15 minutes. Bon appetit!

The frequency of meals per day should not be less than three to four times. During the entire course of the 6 petals diet, you need to drink a lot of liquid, including: regular purified water, still mineral water, green, black or herbal tea.

A complete rejection of sugar, sweets, chocolate and bread is compensated by carbohydrate days. And the lack of fat will be more than compensated for by the fats in the fish menu.

How long can you go on a diet?

The 6 petals weight loss method helps to get rid of 5-7 kg. excess weight. This is an ideal program for emergency weight loss. However, obese people should not get carried away with it.

How long can you stay on the 6 petal diet? The dietary method itself is designed for 6 days. Day 7, according to the rules, should be a fasting day - drink only water. To maintain your normal weight, it is recommended to follow the 6 petals method 1-2 times every six months.

If you are completely satisfied with the 6 petals nutrition principle, however, the weight loss result is still not satisfactory, then you can repeat the diet, but not earlier than 2 weeks from the end of the previous one. To consolidate the result, it is worth periodically alternating days of eating exclusively protein and only carbohydrate foods. The 6 petals diet should magically make us slim and beautiful without harming our health and without going hungry.

Quitting the diet

You can leave the diet after completion, or during the process. The most undesirable option is a breakdown. In this case, all the lost weight will return within the first 24 hours. If there is no desire or opportunity to follow the system further, it is advisable to pull yourself together and smoothly return to your usual diet. You also need to break down correctly!

Rules for a competent exit from the diet:

  1. Gradual introduction of products. Ideally, the diet on the seventh day should consist of those foods and dishes that were present on the petals; you can add 1-2 new ones.
  2. Limit sweets. In less than a week, the craving for high-calorie and unhealthy foods has weakened; it is undesirable to inflame it. For dessert, it is preferable to eat fruits and berries.
  3. Portion control. The stomach shrinks in size during the system; you can eat much less food.

If you have a strong feeling of hunger and you can’t control your appetite, then the most reliable way is to count calories and keep a food diary. In this case, you can allow yourself tasty dishes, but in small quantities and within the daily norm.

Disadvantages of the diet

During the day, food should be monotonous, because mono-diets are effective in terms of weight loss. Products of a certain type are taken for 2-3 days.

Such a restriction in the diet may not have the best effect on the functioning of internal organs, and the body, feeling a lack of energy, will store calories. This self-defense mechanism operates on the 2nd day of the mono-diet.

Thus, most mono-diets, which are intended for several days, do not give noticeable results. The combination of a variety of foods allows the body to receive useful substances within 6 days, without experiencing the feeling of hunger, without exposing the body to stress, and to lose 4-7 kg.

Contraindications to the 6 petals diet

Although this is not a very strict diet, certain prohibitions still exist:

  • If you have problems with the digestive system, which tend to worsen;
  • A person suffering from kidney and liver diseases should refuse such food;
  • The 6 petals diet is also prohibited for diabetes mellitus;
  • If you are diagnosed with anemia, do not make drastic changes to your usual menu;
  • The 6 petals diet is prohibited if there is a lack or excess of vitamins, as well as in the presence of infectious diseases;
  • If you just had a cold or flu, take care of your body.

Remember that during pregnancy and breastfeeding you need a full range of microelements and vitamins. That is why you should wait with such a diet so as not to harm the baby’s stable development.

Real reviews about the 6 petals diet, before and after results

If you do not just one cycle, but 4, in one approach, then the results will also be 4 times greater. In 24 days on a diet you can lose up to 20 kg. True, from the second week the rate of weight loss may decrease.

  1. Svetlana. I lost 4 kg, but this was due to daily exercise in the gym. And, to be honest, when I left the diet, I gained those kilograms back. My opinion is that the 6 petals diet is a bit harsh, and you need to dilute it to a balanced diet - this way the result will be preserved and it will be easier to maintain weight. For example, protein days should be diluted with vegetables. And I was also very nervous all 6 days, maybe because I’m emotional by nature. I plan to sit on 6 petals again so that these 4 kilograms go away. Against the background of daily fitness, this will not be difficult. Moreover, I decided to dilute my protein days with my favorite cabbage.
  2. Catherine. For me, the 6 petals diet turned out to be the easiest of all the ones I have tried recently. And these were: buckwheat, diet by the clock, kefir. All of them had a debilitating effect on me, which I cannot say about the six petals. It has everything that I love and cannot do without, and this is meat, cottage cheese and fish. Most importantly, it does not require giving up salt; you can even add seasoning. I lost 6 kg in a week. and wasn't hungry. I endured it quite easily, because with such a menu you don’t have to starve, you can eat 5 times a day. Visually, the excess has disappeared from the hips and stomach, I’m delighted!
  3. Hope. The second birth simply disfigured my figure, I gained a lot of weight. Moreover, she moved very little and ate a lot. I tried the diet, but I couldn’t keep it up. I give myself a fasting day once every 7 days, but after it I start to overeat.
  4. Diana. Those who think that at 30 you can do without dieting are deeply mistaken! Yes, I generally have a good figure, but in a swimsuit on the beach I was always embarrassed by my stomach... I kept sucking it in... Imagine, a young girl... and such a miracle at the waist... A friend told me about an interesting diet, according to which she herself lost 7 kg ., well, I decided to take a risk... you know... I was simply delighted, losing weight was easy and tasty! Six petals made me happy.
  5. Ksenia. I bought a beautiful dress for the New Year, but it doesn’t fit right. The girls from the group talked about the 6 petals diet, when you can eat only one type of food per day. I drew a flower and admired it. At 56 kg. I wanted to lose the promised 4 kg, but it turned out to be 1.8 kg. I was upset. But when I tried on the dress, it turned out that the weight had gone where it was needed - on the sides and buttocks. Now I know a way to lose weight quickly!

There are many methods for losing weight, but not all of them will work equally well for a particular person. And one of the most effective and well-proven options is.

The effective 6 petals diet has become a favorite among many girls. They managed to cope with extra pounds and become the owners of an ideal figure. You too can appreciate the benefits of this diet if you are ready to radically change your diet. The 6 petals diet is a great way to lose weight on separate meals. Be beautiful and healthy!

Nutritionist on the 6 petal diet

6 petals diet: review, description and result

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I’m starting tomorrow (If anyone is interested, join us!)

Today I’m drawing a daisy and sticking it on the refrigerator, I’ll add a photo later! It will be something like this:

As each day passes, you can write down your successes on the petal, i.e. lost grams, kilograms, centimeters!

More details about the diet:

First day Only fish is eaten, and the method of its preparation can be any, if it can be called dietary. Therefore, the fish is not fried, but cooked in a double boiler, oven or stewed; the use of a grill is allowed. Salt is allowed, but not in excess, so that excess liquid is not retained. You can use fish broth, add seasonings and herbs.

Second day carbohydrate, any vegetables, boiled, raw, or stewed, can be eaten. Use any potatoes, even starchy ones, but without fanaticism. It is best to combine it with lighter vegetables, for example, in a vinaigrette. You are allowed to drink freshly prepared vegetable juices, add salt, herbs and seasonings.

A protein day alternates with a carbohydrate day. On the third day You should eat skinless chicken breast, which can be baked in the oven, boiled, or stewed. Protein is easily absorbed and is not stored in fats. Eat chicken broth, add herbs, seasonings and salt.

Fourth day diet – cereal. Any porridge cooked in water is allowed; you can add herbs and a minimum of salt to them. It is also allowed to eat seeds, sprouted grains, grain breads, and bran. Complex carbohydrates require additional energy for their digestion and are used to replenish the glycogen spent by the body during protein intake. Drink water and unsweetened kvass.

Fifth day diet involves eating cottage cheese, which replenishes mineral reserves. If the fat content threshold is 5%, the calorie content of cottage cheese is quite low and the body is forced to break down its own fats in order to function normally. You can drink milk.

AND sixth – a fruit day, a source of vitamins and minerals; you can eat any fruit, raw or baked. Drink fruit juices, it is better to dilute them with water. It is allowed to add cinnamon and vanillin.

Throughout the diet you need to drink water, you can drink green or black tea, 1-2 cups of coffee a day. Drink all drinks without sugar.

1. fish 300-500 gr. finished product;

2. vegetables – 1-1.5 kg;

3. fillet meat – 500 gr.;

4. porridge – 200 gr. dry;

5. cottage cheese – 500 gr.;

6. fruits -1-1.5 kg.

For the first white petal , the following products are suitable:

Dietary fish from 0.2 to 3.9% fat: lemonema, ide, pollock, navaga, haddock, blue whiting, pike perch, cod, tuna, pike, ide, pike perch, flounder, river perch, pike, tilapia, trout, ice trout, hake.

Fish with a high protein and fat content of 4-8%: sea bass, horse mackerel, pink salmon, catfish, carp.

Fatty fish containing more than 8% fat: mackerel, herring, halibut, salmon, sturgeon, lamprey, eel. It is better to combine dietary fish and fattier fish in one day.

Sometimes you can add seafood: mussels, octopus, shrimp, squid. The last ones on the list have a high fat content. Therefore, it is recommended not earlier than after the second circle of petals. The mineral composition of seafood is represented by potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, iodine, and B vitamins.

You can also use seaweed.

For the second carbohydrate lobe , the following products are suitable: leaf salads, carrots, cucumbers, bell peppers, tomatoes, celery, white cabbage, Chinese, Savoy, Brussels sprouts, kohlrabi and other types of cabbage, beets, zucchini, eggplant, pumpkin, potatoes, radishes, radish, turnips, arugula, asparagus, dill, fennel, physalis, green onion, onion, parsley root, cilantro, spinach, dill, sorrel, garlic.

Season vegetables with lemon juice and natural spices.

For the third protein petal , the following products are suitable: chicken fillet, chicken breast, turkey breast, veal tenderloin or shoulder, beef tenderloin.

For the fourth complex carbohydrate petal, The following products are suitable: buckwheat groats, couscous, oatmeal, oat bran, pearl barley, millet groats, wild rice, wheat-rye bread.

For the fifth protein petal , the following products are suitable: cottage cheese up to 5% fat, natural yogurt, milk, chicken egg, low-fat cheese.

For the sixth carbohydrate lobe , the following products are suitable: apples, pears, plums, kiwi, pineapple. Orange, watermelon, cherry, pomegranate, grapefruit, lime. Pomelo, feijoa, lemon, prunes, dried apricots.

From the berries you can add cranberries, lingonberries, rose hips, black and red currants, strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, strawberries, cherries. You can include seasonal berries in your diet, but not more than 200-300g. in a day.

During the diet prohibited canned food, smoked meats, pickles, marinades and jams in any form, alcohol, sugar, butter. Salt consumption is limited.

Menu options for every day of the six petals diet:

Fish day :

8:00 – boiled fish, with the addition of a small amount of salt and spices

11:00 – fish baked in its own juice, with the addition of herbs and a small amount of salt

14:00 – thick fish soup, without the use of vegetables and other ingredients

17:00 – steamed fish with natural spices added

20:00 – boiled fish with a minimum amount of salt

Between meals: fish broth, unsweetened tea

Vegetable day :

8:00 – raw vegetable salad

11:00 – mashed potatoes without oil with the addition of the liquid in which the potatoes were boiled

14:00 – fresh vegetable soup with vegetable broth

17:00 – steamed whole vegetables

20:00 – stewed vegetables (mixed vegetables) with seasonings and salt.

Between meals: freshly squeezed vegetable juices, unsweetened tea


8:00 – boiled chicken breast

11:00 – baked chicken fillet in foil with the addition of natural spices

14:00 – chicken soup with herbs and seasonings

17:00 – grilled chicken (without skin)

20:00 – boiled chicken fillet

Between meals: low-fat chicken broth, tea

Cereal day:

8:00 – porridge from sprouted wheat, boiled in water

11:00 – buckwheat porridge with salt and spices, boiled in water

14:00 – not steamed boiled rice

17:00 – oatmeal with water

20:00 – buckwheat porridge with herbs

Between meals: natural kvass and herbal tea are allowed in small quantities

Curd day:

8:00 – low-fat cottage cheese with 1-2 tablespoons of natural yogurt without additives

11:00 – low-fat cottage cheese with the addition of a small amount of milk

14:00 – low-fat cottage cheese without everything

17:00 – cottage cheese with milk

20:00 – low-fat cottage cheese without everything

Between meals: you are allowed to drink 1 glass of milk, tea in any quantity throughout the day

Fruit day:

8:00 – 200 g cherries or strawberries, coffee

11:00 – one pear

14:00 – 3 pieces of plums, orange

17:00 – pineapple, kiwi

20:00 – two green apples.

Between meals: freshly squeezed fruit juices (diluted halfway with water), herbal teas.

And more recipes for all days!

Petal 1 – fish day diet...

1. Trout baked in foil. Rub the fish with spices to taste, wrap in foil, and place in the oven until cooked. Remove the skin from the finished trout and eat!

2. Pollock meatballs with herbs. Scroll through the pollock carcasses. Finely chop the onion, dill and parsley. Add all the greens to the minced meat. Salt and pepper. Roll into balls and place on a baking sheet.

3. Steamed chum salmon Cut the chum salmon into pieces, add salt and pepper. Pour water into the bottom of the pressure cooker and add some herbs (for a flavorful broth). Place the pieces of chum salmon on the steam insert. Turn over once during cooking.

4. Baked pollock Salt and pepper the pollock carcasses. Place on a baking sheet. Place a few sprigs of dill and parsley on the cooked pollock

Petal 2 – recipes for vegetable day...

Fresh cabbage salad with tomatoes, cucumbers and herbs. No oil!

Peppers stuffed with vegetables. We sauté all the vegetables in water, you can add tomato paste, but tomatoes are better. Season with spices, stuff the peppers and simmer until tender.

Boil the beets and grate them, add salt to taste, squeeze out 1-2 cloves of garlic. Mix and enjoy!

Eggplants stewed with tomatoes, garlic and herbs. Cut the eggplants into cubes, add salt, place in a colander and wait 30 minutes, then rinse and dry with a paper towel. Chop the tomatoes into a non-stick frying pan, add a little water, eggplant, and simmer for 15-20 minutes. Add garlic, herbs to taste, simmer for another 1-2 minutes, and turn off.

Delicate vegetable soup with eggplant Calorie content (per 100 g) – 32 kcal You will need: 1 carrot, 2 pcs. onion, 1 small eggplant, 2 tomatoes, 1 clove of garlic, a bunch of dill, 3 sprigs of basil, salt, black pepper (corns) - to taste, 0.75 liters of water. Method of preparation: cut all vegetables: eggplants - into cubes, carrots - into strips, onions - very finely, tomatoes - into slices, dill, basil - very finely. Place vegetables in boiling water in the order listed. Cook for 20 minutes over low heat. Once ready, add crushed garlic and salt to taste.

Vegetable cabbage rolls Ingredients: head of cabbage 1 small zucchini 1 small carrot 1 small bell pepper 2 tsp. soy sauce salt 400 gr. tomatoes 1 onion. : Boil a head of cabbage in water until the cabbage is soft (after removing the stalk). Prepare the filling: cut the vegetables into thin strips, simmer for 5-7 minutes until soft. Add soy sauce and salt. Wrap the filling in cabbage leaves and place in a baking dish. For filling: chop and saute the onion without oil, add grated tomatoes and your favorite seasoning to taste. Pour the sauce over the cabbage rolls and bake in the oven until done.

Recipe for broccoli lovers Boil in salted water seasoned with lemon (squeeze half a lemon). For dressing 2 tbsp. spoons of lemon juice and 2 tbsp. spoons of broccoli broth. If desired, add herbs and garlic, pour the sauce over the broccoli and enjoy.

Petal 3 – chicken.

Peel the skin off the chicken breast, rub with salt, pepper, spices to taste and boil!

Recipe for juicy breast: Remove skin from chicken breast, rub with herbs, wrap in foil, bake in a bag or foil until cooked.

Recipe for chicken in its own juices: Place pieces of washed chicken in a thick-walled bowl, such as cast iron, if necessary, add a little salt and sprinkle with seasoning. Close the same lid tightly and simmer over very low heat for 3 hours. Do not open the lid. Do not add any water or oil; the chicken will release enough juice.

Petal 4 – cereals

Baked buckwheat cutlets (65 kcal) Boil a bag of buckwheat, cool, then grind in a blender into a pate. Saute a small onion and a clove of garlic, add it to the buckwheat. (You don’t have to add it!!!) Chopped herbs, salt, pepper and other seasonings to taste. Mix everything well. You can twist it again with a blender. From the resulting mass we make cutlets.

Petal 5 – curd day of the diet.

You can add a little cinnamon to low-calorie cottage cheese; Dilute a couple of sweetener tablets in a small amount of water and pour it over the cottage cheese - if someone really can’t bear to eat unsweetened. It turns out very tasty!

Recipe for “Gadazelili”. Ingredients: 600 g Imeretian cheese 1 glass of milk 1/2 tablespoon of finely chopped mint. Young Imeretian or Suluguni cheese, fresh or salted (pre-soak the Imeretian salted cheese), cut into thin slices, put in a saucepan with hot milk and heat, without boiling, until it turns into a viscous mass. Transfer the heated cheese to another bowl, sprinkle with finely chopped mint, mix and arrange in the form of flatbreads (one per serving). Serve the flatbreads in a deep dessert plate, pouring over the milk in which the cheese was heated.

Recipe for milk soup with cheese and curd dumplings Melt 50 g of cheese in a water bath until the consistency of thick porridge, cool slightly and form balls with cottage cheese, cottage cheese inside. For 200 g of cottage cheese, stir the whites of one egg. Boil 250 ml of milk, drop these dumplings into the boiling milk. Boil for 3 minutes and you can turn it off.

Petal 6 – recipes for fruit day.

Green smoothie made from banana and kiwi. Take 2 kiwis, 1 banana and 50 ml of sugar-free apple juice, blend everything in a blender, and drink with pleasure!

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