11 week what month. Eleventh week of pregnancy - what happens to the baby, photo of the fetus, sensations

The 11th obstetric week of pregnancy has begun (9th from conception).

  • What changes await the mother and unborn baby at this time?
  • Do I need to go to an obstetrician-gynecologist and get tested?
  • The first ultrasound, what can it tell the doctor about pregnancy?
  • What rules should you follow at week 11 according to obstetric calculations and what problems should you be aware of?

Fetus. Development at 11 weeks

Fetal development in the 11th week of pregnancy

At the 11th week of pregnancy, the fetus is still very small.

The body length of the unborn baby is only 4 - 6 cm, and the weight is from 7 to 15 g.

Being the size of a plum or a chicken egg, the fruit is very similar to a human, but with irregular proportions.

This week the head is still equal in length to the body, but this will soon change. The body will stretch out, become longer, and a baby will be born with the usual proportions of the body and head

The skin at the 11th obstetric week of pregnancy is very thin. The subcutaneous fat layer has not yet formed, and dead cells do not form a keratinized coating.

If you look at the fetus at this stage, you can see through the transparent skin a clear pattern of blood vessels enveloping the entire body.

Despite the apparent fragility, almost all areas of the skin at the current stage of pregnancy feel touch.

I feel better and feel like writing less often.

The strength and frequency of nausea and vomiting gradually decreases. The expectant mother begins to feel an improvement in her appetite. It seems that the woman is ready to eat “for two.”

Important! A pregnant woman should not be led by an increased appetite. You should try to comply with quantitative food standards and not exceed the usual portion. This is especially true for high-calorie dishes that should be eaten carefully, little by little.

Weakness and drowsiness remain constant companions of a pregnant woman. The body has not yet had time to completely rebuild itself and spends a lot of energy providing the fetus with all the necessary conditions.

The expectant mother should get enough sleep (at least 10 hours a night) and avoid excessive physical activity.

Most women note that at the 11th obstetric week of pregnancy, stabilization of the psycho-emotional state is noticeable. The expectant mother is in a state of calm most of the time.

But you shouldn’t relax, a woman’s hormonal levels are still unstable, and any stress can easily disturb the state of rest. You should continue to adhere to a measured lifestyle, avoid mental stress, and train your ability to control emotions.

The active growth of the uterus and fetus makes adjustments to a woman’s body. The amount of blood in the expectant mother gradually increases. As a result, some pregnant women may experience unpleasant signs of their period: increased sweating and constant thirst.

Sometimes acne appears, pores become wider, and the skin looks oily. It is necessary to combat these manifestations only under the supervision of a gynecologist, using means that he approves.

To provide the fetus with everything necessary, metabolism (metabolism) increases in the female body.

As a result, if the diet lacks certain substances, the expectant mother may experience bleeding gums, brittle hair and nails.

If these signs appear, you should consult a gynecologist to adjust your diet and assess the need to take additional vitamins.

One of the frequently asked questions by expectant mothers is a change in the appearance of the nipples, the appearance of discharge from them and the appearance of lumps in the breast. These are normal phenomena.

A woman’s breasts are preparing for lactation; the processes of expansion of the milk ducts, formation of colostrum, and preparation for feeding take place in it.

The dark color of the areolas and nipples is the result of hormones. The color will return to normal after delivery.

The appearance of colostrum is an activation of lactation processes, evidence of the proper functioning of the mammary glands.

If the amount of liquid released is confusing, or stains remain on the underwear, then you can buy special breast pads: round devices made of cotton wool that absorb excess liquid (they are placed in the bra).

For most women, by the 11th week of pregnancy, their breasts have increased by more than one size.

Visiting an obstetrician-gynecologist

Visiting the doctor at 11 weeks pregnant

At the 11th week of pregnancy, you need to go to an appointment with a gynecologist if the woman has not yet registered.

For some pregnant women, the doctor prescribes an appointment at this time to make sure that the pregnancy is progressing well.

At an appointment with a gynecologist, women who have not previously registered receive referrals for blood and urine tests, which must be taken as soon as possible.

Mandatory are:

  • blood:
    • general and detailed analysis from the fingertips;
    • biochemical analysis from a vein;
    • finger prick test for sugar to determine blood type and;
    • vein test for sexually transmitted diseases.
  • Analysis of urine;
  • vaginal smear for flora.

At the doctor's appointment:

  • measures blood pressure;
  • body temperature;
  • measure height, weight, hip circumference;
  • enter the pregnant woman’s medical history data into a special journal (exchange card);
  • will ask and enter into the exchange card data on the length of the cycle, the age at which sexual activity began, the number of previous pregnancies and their outcome (childbirth, miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, abortion, vacuum, etc.).

In addition, the gynecologist will refer the woman for examination to a dentist, therapist, cardiologist, endocrinologist, otolaryngologist, or ophthalmologist.

It is advisable to undergo an examination by specialized specialists before 12 weeks of pregnancy (according to obstetric calculations).

For women with suspected pregnancy complications or severe manifestations of toxicosis, the gynecologist may schedule an appointment at the 11th week of pregnancy. Usually the date falls on the next day after the first scheduled ultrasound.

This is done to exclude possible developmental defects in the fetus and to timely identify a non-viable embryo.

Termination of pregnancy without medical justification is possible only up to 12 weeks.

If the period is longer, then the procedure requires the use of more complex instruments, and the risk of disrupting the woman’s reproductive system increases significantly.

At the appointment, the doctor will evaluate the ultrasound readings, tests and listen to the pregnant woman’s complaints.

Additionally, blood pressure and temperature will be measured, and if necessary, a chairside examination will be performed. Based on the results of the assessment, the gynecologist will give recommendations and set a date for the next appointment. If everything is fine, then the meeting with the doctor will happen in 2 weeks.

If complications are detected, depending on the complexity of the situation, an earlier appointment, outpatient treatment, or a recommendation for hospitalization may be issued.

At the 11th week of pregnancy, you should completely trust the doctor’s prescriptions.

If a woman feels well, and the doctor convinces her of the need for inpatient treatment, it is strongly recommended to listen to a specialist.

Ultrasound and tests

At 11 weeks of pregnancy, many women undergo their first routine ultrasound. It is carried out for early detection of pathologies in the fetus.

During screening, the doctor measures:

  • the length of the fetal body from the coccyx to the top of the head (crown). In the documents it is designated as KTR. This indicator gives an understanding of how timely the unborn baby develops and whether its size corresponds to the gestational age;
  • thickness of the collar space. This indicator can tell how likely the fetus is to have genetic abnormalities (Down and Patau syndromes). In the documents, this indicator is called TVP; normally it should not exceed 2.7 mm;
  • head circumference (HC);
  • symmetry of brain parts, their location;
  • the degree of development of all parts of the body, the presence of all internal organs and systems;
  • fetal heart rate (HR) and their compliance with standards;
  • thickness and location of the chorion (membrane membrane);
  • volume of amniotic fluid;
  • condition of the pharynx and cervix.

On the day of the ultrasound, you must measure your height and weight. The diagnostician will need them for correct calculations.

Triple test

Usually on the day of an ultrasound, a woman is sent for an additional biochemical blood test, the so-called triple test. This is one of the main indicators of the first pregnancy screening.

In blood taken from a vein of a pregnant woman, the level of:

  • pregnancy hormone (hCG);
  • alpha-fetoprotein protein;
  • estriol.

The obtained indicators are checked against the exact duration of pregnancy and can tell a lot about its course: the timeliness of fetal development, the presence of genetic pathologies, the state of the mother’s body.

Deciphering this analysis may take several days, and as a result, the woman may be invited to consult a specialist.

Do not worry too much before your appointment; screening results do not provide a 100% guarantee and can only indicate possible problems.

If there is a suspicion of pathologies in the fetus, the woman will be prescribed additional tests to confirm the diagnosis.

Uterus and belly

At the 11th week of pregnancy, the uterus continues to grow steadily.

At the current stage, it has filled almost the entire space in the abdominal cavity and is gradually beginning to bulge just below the navel. Feels good when palpated.

As a consequence of the increase in the size of the uterus, the abdomen begins to grow. So far this is a slightly noticeable protrusion of the anterior abdominal wall.

The growth of the uterus is most noticeable in women with low body weight.

Pain in the abdomen and other parts of the body

At the 11th week of pregnancy, many women experience discomfort and pain in different parts of the body.

To avoid undesirable consequences, you need to have a good understanding of which pains are normal and which are a sign for an emergency visit to a gynecologist.

Lower back pain

Unpleasant sensations in the back, mild pain in most cases indicate the tone of the uterus.

If a symptom appears after physical activity, this is normal.

If the discomfort is persistent or intensifies, you should consult a gynecologist.

Stomach ache

Normally there should be no abdominal pain.

Minor unpleasant pulling sensations caused by the growth of the uterus are acceptable.

If there is severe pain that gradually increases and intensifies when pressed, you need to urgently contact an ambulance.

Leg pain

At the 11th week of pregnancy, the amount of calcium absorbed by the fetus increases greatly.

If a woman’s diet lacks this substance, severe pain in the legs may occur.

To reduce their manifestation, you need to consult a gynecologist for advice.


During the current period, some pregnant women experience periodic headaches. This is caused by a lack of oxygen in a woman's body. You cannot take painkillers.

It is advisable to increase the number of walks in the fresh air, drink more clean water, and consult a gynecologist.

Pain in the anus

The uterus becomes larger and rises into the abdominal cavity, putting pressure on the intestines and arteries that supply the lower part of the body.

Quite often, at the 11th week of pregnancy, women begin to experience discomfort or pain in the anus, and an exacerbation of hemorrhoids is noted.

Treatment of this condition should be strictly under the supervision of a gynecologist; even medications tested before pregnancy should not be taken.


Normally, at the 11th week of pregnancy, vaginal discharge should be light (milky or white) with a slight odor. The amount of discharge may vary.

You need to be wary and consult a doctor if vaginal discharge:

  • changed color. Became yellow, green, red, brown;
  • strange consistency: curd-like, with flakes;
  • have a pungent, unpleasant odor;
  • discharge with pus appeared.

Bleeding and menstruation

In the 11th week of pregnancy, there should be no bleeding or menstruation if the pregnancy progresses well.

If a woman notices this symptom, it is necessary to urgently contact an ambulance; a spontaneous miscarriage is possible.


Diet at 11th week of pregnancy

At the 11th week of pregnancy, a woman needs to continue to adhere to the principles of a healthy diet. It is advisable that the foods consumed provide the body with a full range of vitamins and minerals.

During the current period, it is especially important to receive sufficient amounts of calcium, magnesium, iron, fluoride and vitamin D.

The daily diet should include:

  • a variety of dairy products (cottage cheese, cheese, kefir, etc.);
  • vegetables and fruits;
  • red fish and meat;
  • offal, especially liver;
  • cereals in the form of porridges and dark breads made from wholemeal flour;
  • seasonal berries.

Cooking food for a pregnant woman must be done by steaming or in the oven. It is advisable to minimize the amount of fried, smoked, salted foods.

A pregnant woman must carefully observe the drinking regime. Every day, the expectant mother should receive 2 - 2.5 liters of fluid.

To reduce the load on the digestive tract, it is advisable to eat 5-6 times a day, every 2-3 hours.

Eat one dish at one meal, avoiding a strong variety of foods.


Essential vitamins at 11 weeks

Prescribing vitamin complexes and individual substances is the task of a gynecologist. A pregnant woman should not make her own decision about taking medications, so as not to cause harm to the fetus and herself.

It is advisable that vitamin complexes prescribed by a gynecologist are only an addition to a pregnant woman’s full menu.

Important! An excess of vitamins, as well as a lack of them, can harm the unborn child. You need to be careful when taking any supplements, following the doses prescribed by your gynecologist.


From the 11th week of pregnancy, a woman should begin to control her weight gain.

For seven days at this time, an increase of about 800 - 1400 g, no more, is considered optimal.

It is possible and it is not possible

Really worth it:

  • have a good rest. Sleep at least 10 hours a day, if possible, set aside time for sleep during the day;
  • Healthy food. A varied, high-quality diet will provide the fetus with the necessary substances, keeping the mother’s body healthy;
  • walk a lot in the fresh air. A pregnant woman should be outside for at least 30 minutes every day. Ideally, it will be a park or square, a forest or field outside the city;
  • absorb enough liquid. Drink about 2 - 2.5 liters of water or other drinks;
  • dilute the juice with water. To reduce the need to produce enzymes for digesting natural juices, it is advisable to dilute them with drinking water 1 to 1;
  • exclude carbonated drinks, alcohol;
  • avoid active and passive smoking;
  • start wearing special clothes for pregnant women, providing comfort and physiologically correct support for the abdomen and chest;
  • try to avoid sick people and crowded places;
  • do not prescribe medications on your own, be wary of “folk” methods without consulting a specialist;
  • stay calm, avoid stress;
  • engage in permitted sports: swimming, yoga, Pilates, water aerobics, walking.


Activities in the 11th week of pregnancy

In the 11th week of pregnancy, as well as throughout the entire period of gestation, sex is not prohibited.

The restriction can be introduced by a gynecologist if there is a threat to the life of the mother or unborn child.

The main condition is mutual desire.

Problems in the 11th week of pregnancy

By the 11th week of pregnancy, it is believed that the first dangerous period has already been passed, and the baby gradually moves into a new stage of development (fetal period). But this is not a reason to refuse to follow the rules. The risk of various problems occurring is very high.

At this stage, a woman may encounter difficulties that can affect the favorable outcome of the pregnancy.


In most cases, by the 11th week of pregnancy, the intensity of toxicosis decreases, and the woman begins to feel much better. But in some cases the opposite picture is observed. Toxicosis not only does not weaken, but also intensifies.

You should urgently consult a gynecologist if you experience the following symptoms:

  • increased vomiting (more than 3 times a day), low weight gain, complete lack of appetite;
  • increased blood pressure causing severe discomfort;
  • back pain, right or left, painful urination, change in urine color.

A woman should understand that toxicosis occurs in all pregnant women, but is expressed to varying degrees. Doctors call this condition pathological, since in the absence of proper control and timely treatment, complex consequences are possible: miscarriage, deterioration of the mother’s health, even death.

Any symptoms that prevent a woman from continuing her normal life should be discussed at an appointment with a gynecologist. If the manifestations of toxicosis intensify, urgent consultation with a specialist is necessary.


Women do not always take the common cold seriously, but during pregnancy it can cause unpleasant consequences.

An increase in body temperature, taking self-prescribed medications, and treatment with “folk” remedies without consulting a gynecologist can lead to dire consequences.

If a woman notices signs of a cold, she should consult a doctor.

You cannot steam your feet, take a hot bath, drink herbal infusions, or apply cups and mustard plasters without a doctor’s permission.

During pregnancy, the body is very vulnerable and malleable. In order not to treat a cold or virus, it is advisable to avoid situations and places where you can become infected

Spontaneous miscarriage

The likelihood of spontaneous miscarriage at 11 weeks of pregnancy decreases, but is still present. A woman needs to be attentive to the sensations that appear.

You should urgently seek medical help if a pregnant woman experiences symptoms characteristic of a miscarriage:

  • abdominal pain, gradually increasing;
  • the appearance of bloody smears or bleeding.

If you seek medical help early, the likelihood of continuing the pregnancy is high if the miscarriage was caused by external factors and not by genetic abnormalities in the fetus.

Frozen pregnancy

About 1 in 200 pregnant women experiences a frozen pregnancy.

In simple terms, at a certain stage of development, for various reasons, the development of the fetus freezes, and as a result it dies.

To begin the rejection process, the female body needs 2 - 2.5 weeks, after which a miscarriage will occur.

While the dead fetus is in the mother's body, the decomposition process begins, which can cause infection of the uterus.

The sooner an abortion occurs, the higher the chances of quickly returning to the ability to become pregnant and bear a healthy child.

A woman may become suspicious of what happened if characteristic symptoms occur:

  • abdominal pain that gets worse when pressed;
  • increased body temperature above 37.5 degrees Celsius;
  • sudden disappearance of toxicosis;
  • change in color of discharge to red, brown, mixed with pus;
  • reduction of breast tenderness.

It is in the woman’s interests to quickly cleanse her body and begin treating a possible infection. The doctor orders an abortion.

At the 11th week, a pregnant woman undergoes the first scheduled screening (ultrasound and triple test), based on the results of which the doctor can judge the health of the developing fetus and the possibility of genetic abnormalities.

Sometimes, based on research results, a gynecologist may suggest that a woman terminate her pregnancy due to complex genetic abnormalities or non-viability of the fetus.

Accepting or rejecting a doctor's offer is a difficult choice to make. In such a situation, a woman must remember that the choice depends only on her.

Before making a decision, she needs to evaluate the pros and cons; if in doubt, she should consult another specialist.

The 11th obstetric week of pregnancy (9th embryonic) is the period of the child’s transition to the stage of active growth. All systems and organs have already been formed and are beginning to actively participate in the work.

Mom can already clearly see the changes in her body and is happy about the retreat of toxicosis.

Many women at this stage will be able to see their baby for the first time on an ultrasound and hear his heartbeat.

It's time to start wearing special underwear and continue to follow the principles of a healthy lifestyle.

The real meeting is getting closer every day, the baby is already very similar to a little man, and very soon you will feel his movements.

This period of pregnancy is characterized by intensive growth of the fetus, as well as a subsidence of the symptoms of toxicosis (if the woman had one). The emotional state of the expectant mother returns to normal, since the thought of her new position is no longer so frightening and causes more positive emotions than negative ones.

The general condition is improving. And the time comes for the first screening prenatal examination, when, using various medical methods, including ultrasound, various data on the size of the fetus, its condition, as well as the level of the hormonal background of the expectant mother are noted and recorded.

The most important things at 11 weeks of pregnancy

The dimensions of the baby at the 11th week of pregnancy reach the following figures:

  • Height: between 44 and 60 mm;
  • Weight: up to 8 g;
  • Pulse: the normal fetal heart rate from the current week of pregnancy until birth is in the range of 140-160 beats per minute;
  • KTR (coccygeal-parietal size): this indicator from the beginning to the end of the week grows from 40 mm to 51 mm;
  • TVP (collar thickness): this indicator is in the following numbers all week: the 5th percentile is 0.8 mm, the 50th percentile is 1.6 mm, and, accordingly, the 95th percentile is 2.2 mm.


If previously a woman experienced intense toxicosis, then at the 11th week of pregnancy its manifestations will subside. And if the symptoms of toxicosis were already weak, then most likely this week of pregnancy will be his last.

But there is also not very good news - toxicosis is often replaced by such an unpleasant symptom as heartburn, and with it heavy stools and constipation. The reason for this change in symptoms is the same hormones, or rather their active activity. Of course, this is not a mandatory law for every woman; some have never complained of such symptoms and manifestations during their entire pregnancy. But if they occur, there is no need to worry.

For the most part, pregnant women in their current stage begin to notice that low-waisted clothes become uncomfortable to wear, their favorite trousers no longer fasten, and their lower abdomen has increased slightly. Yes, these are characteristics of this period. Even though the uterus is still within the pelvis, it is normal to feel a growing belly.

The 11th week of carrying a baby is still at risk of miscarriage, and therefore in cases where the stomach hurts, especially in the lower part or pulls and aches in the lower back, or dark-colored vaginal discharge appears, it is important to immediately consult a doctor for advice.

Physiological changes

Amniotic fluid is an important component of normal and healthy fetal development. This amniotic or amniotic fluid consists of proteins, carbohydrates, hormones, sugar and fats. All this feeds the child until his birth. Initially, nutrition occurs through the skin of the fetus, at which time a certain percentage of liquid is absorbed.

Already with the appearance of taste buds on the baby’s tongue, a swallowing reflex appears, and the child begins to swallow amniotic fluid through the mouth. Approximately 20 ml of liquid is consumed per hour to feed a child.

In order for the amniotic fluid to be periodically renewed, a woman needs to drink fluid (pure water without gas) 1.5-2 liters per day.

What happens in a woman's body?

At this stage of pregnancy, an increase in blood volume occurs in the female body, the metabolic process intensifies in its intensity, and calories are actively burned. The uterus, although located within the pelvis, still reaches a size when it fills its entire space. The uterus begins to be palpated without difficulty. If the belly exceeds the required size, this most likely indicates a multiple pregnancy. When carrying one baby, the belly is not yet very enlarged.

The sensations a mother feels in her stomach at 11 weeks of pregnancy can easily be confused with the baby’s movements. But these are still only active contractions of the intestines. The first movements can only be “heard” by the 20th week.

At this stage of the gestation period, the uterus puts less force on the bladder, which leads to a significant reduction in the number of urges to urinate per day.

At week 11, the corpus luteum begins to gradually disappear, while the placenta is actively developing and thereby strengthening the protection of the fetus.

Changes in the child's body. How does the baby develop?

At the current stage of pregnancy, the child continues to improve, both in structure and in functioning, all already formed organs and systems.

This is what happens inside his body:

  • formation of red blood cells in the spinal cord;
  • in the liver, which currently makes up one tenth of the child’s entire body, proteins have begun to be produced that are “sent” to build the body as a whole;
  • the production of bile has already begun in the gallbladder;
  • the pituitary gland in the baby’s head has already begun to produce hormones;
  • at this time, the connections between muscles and bones are strengthened;
  • the child’s movements become more energetic;
  • at week 11, fingers and toes begin to appear;
  • the formation of the cartilaginous auricle begins;
  • all major brain regions are formed;
  • in the nervous system, several thousand nerve cells are formed every second;
  • the number of connections between nerve cells and muscles increases significantly, and the nervous system begins to work to coordinate the work of the muscular system;
  • the baby’s sense of touch continues to improve, almost the entire surface of his body already at this stage is sensitive to touch;
  • at this stage, the rudiments of baby teeth become visible;
  • also on the baby’s face his features become visible - eyebrows, eyelashes;
  • the placental-umbilical cord continues to develop intensively, and at this stage is already merging with the circulatory system of the maternal body.

Weight gain

During the 11th week of pregnancy, the permissible weight gain for the expectant mother is 300 g. The total weight gain during the period from the beginning of pregnancy to the current period can range from 0.9 to 1.9 kg.

Deviations from the norm in weight gain are not a threat to the health of the child or mother, since they depend on purely individual indicators - metabolism, the degree of intensity of toxicosis, and other factors.

Analyzes and examinations

At the 11th week of pregnancy, a woman is prescribed an examination. This means undergoing a full comprehensive examination, the results of which will help to give an objective assessment of the degree of development of the child and promptly identify various deviations from the norm or disturbances in the functioning of the organs and systems of the female body.

This includes:

  1. Ultrasonography;
  2. Double test for the determination of the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin and pregnancy-associated plasma protein A (PAPP-A);
  3. Biochemical analysis of urine and blood.

Additional laboratory tests are prescribed as needed.

Objective data

At the current stage of pregnancy, the uterus reaches the size of the upper border of the bony pelvic ring. Its location is determined by the lower edge of the pubic symphysis.

As the uterus gradually fills the pelvic space, this can cause some compression of the intestines, which leads to.

It is not yet possible to measure and record the height of the uterus, since the woman’s abdomen has not yet been enlarged.

Blood pressure should remain normal.

Ultrasound examination

The results of ultrasound at this stage of pregnancy are:

  • accurate determination of the placental location in the future. The placenta can be located on the back or front wall of the uterus, or on its bottom, located above;
  • level of motor activity of the baby;
  • heart rate.

It is not yet possible to determine the child’s gender using an ultrasound examination. Presumptive errors often occur, since the labia majora of a female fetus are mistaken by doctors for male genitalia.

HCG at 11 weeks of pregnancy

A person at this time should be within the normal range, which is 20900-291000 mIU/ml.

Factors affecting the fetus

Factors influencing fetal development remain the same for this period as in previous weeks: nicotine, chemical drugs, especially tetracycline antibacterials and anabolic steroids, chemicals, especially airborne particles, ionizing radiation.

In addition, infectious diseases of the mother and viral respiratory diseases can cause irreparable harm to the child. A negative emotional background can also harm the development of the fetus.

In this regard, the expectant mother is recommended to refrain from visiting crowded public places and establishments where the risk of infection is too high, as well as from watching films with a negative emotional overtones (thrillers, horror, disasters, etc.), reading books of a similar nature, listening to rock music. -music, and other things that reduce mood and can lead to depression.

Possible complications during pregnancy

At this stage, termination of pregnancy can only be provoked by pathologies in fetal development that are incompatible with life.

Rickets can develop in a child in cases where vitamin D deficiency is diagnosed in the mother's body.

A delay in the development of the child’s nervous system can occur if the mother lacks folic acid in the body.

A woman may develop hemorrhoids or aggravate them and develop varicose veins in cases of intense leaching of calcium from their body, in particular from the walls of venous vessels.

What kind of discharge could there be?

Normal vaginal discharge is whitish or slightly yellowish in color. They may be more abundant, but this is not a reason for fear. In addition, at the current stage of pregnancy, discharge from the nipples of the mammary glands may already appear. This begins the release of colostrum, preceding the normal form of breast milk.

There is no need to try to squeeze out colostrum yourself. You can only lightly massage your breasts with light movements. In this case, you must wear a bra made exclusively from natural fabrics, and place natural napkins under your nipples.

Due to certain changes during the development of the fetus in the female body at the level of physiology, both recommendations and prescriptions for her change somewhat.


Some changes need to be made to your diet from the 11th week of pregnancy. First of all, it is necessary to include products with a high level of methionine, an amino acid that is necessary for the construction of liver cells. Such products include cottage cheese and sour cream.

To eliminate constipation, kefir should become a regular product. Approximately 2-3 glasses per drink will help cope with the problem of heavy stool without complications.

An important point: kefir has laxative properties only in the first day of its preparation; older kefir, on the contrary, begins to strengthen the intestines.

If there is a threat of exacerbation of hemorrhoids, it is necessary to completely exclude the consumption of white bread and pastries from the diet. And vice versa, include more fresh vegetables and fruits in your diet.

Otherwise, it is necessary, as before, to adhere to the rules of a healthy diet.


In first place among vitamins remains, and. The remaining vitamins should and can be taken as prescribed by a doctor and exclusively in recommended dosages.

Foods for pregnant women rich in iodine


Intimate life at this stage is not recommended only in case of a continuing threat of miscarriage or in case of multiple pregnancy. Otherwise, with mutual desire and the choice of safe positions, intimate relationships are even encouraged.


A woman should not exclude physical activity from her life. But, if she has a threat of miscarriage, she needs to rest more, and in a lying position.

Exercises in the pool, special gymnastics for pregnant women, and walks in the fresh air will be beneficial.

Medicines and medical procedures

If you have an acute respiratory viral infection, you should never prescribe medications yourself. This should only be done by the attending physician who knows about your situation.

Drinking plenty of clean warm water, berry fruit drinks, and fruit juices (preferably warm and diluted with water, for better absorption and liver function) will help alleviate the condition of a cold.

Under no circumstances should you take antibiotics or other pharmacological drugs on your own. This can lead to negative and irreversible processes in the development of the fetus.

11th week of pregnancy with IVF

At this stage of pregnancy, in vitro fertilization still has a high risk of miscarriage. Therefore, you should carefully follow all the rules and follow the recommendations of your doctor.

Otherwise, this period during IVF proceeds without much difference from a normal pregnancy.

Features of multiple pregnancy

At this stage, a thorough diagnosis is made - multiple pregnancy. The ultrasound specialist pays special attention to monitoring the correct placental development, as well as timely identification of prerequisites for possible pregnancy complications.

During this period, during multiple pregnancy, the woman’s immunity suffers a significant weakening. In this regard, she needs to eat properly and take vitamin complexes prescribed by her doctor.

  1. The first useful tip for the 11th week of pregnancy is the prevention of hemorrhoid exacerbation. It consists of one exercise that can be done in any position of the body (sitting, standing, lying down). The exercise is as follows: you need to retract the rectum and keep the sphincter in tone (tension) for several seconds, each time the time of sphincter tone needs to be increased. Breathing during this exercise is voluntary;
  2. We must not forget about your situation and reduced immunity, and therefore try not to appear in busy crowded places where the risk of contracting infectious and viral diseases is too high;
  3. Constantly remind your loved ones that you really need their support and attention;
  4. At work, under high physical stress, inform your superiors about your situation so that these loads can be reduced to a minimum for you;
  5. Be sure to get your first screening test this week.

Photos of tummies

Photo ultrasound images

Video about 11 weeks of pregnancy

The gestational age of 11 weeks at conception or 13 obstetric weeks is the first step that the expectant mother crosses. This week marks the end of the first trimester of pregnancy. The second trimester will be in many ways more interesting and easier. Very soon the babies will begin to move, and mothers' bellies will become visible to others.

Sensations and feelings of the expectant mother at 11 weeks

Some mothers experience colostrum - this is a sticky, transparent or yellowish discharge from the nipples. Some doctors, having heard such a complaint from their patient, send her to take a prolactin test, it turns out to be elevated and she is prescribed to take Bromocriptine. In fact, prolactin is normally elevated in expectant mothers and should not be affected by them at all. And of course, you should not take any pills to reduce it. The presence or absence of colostrum is an individual phenomenon. There is no need to press on your nipples in anticipation of seeing him. By the way, it is the sensations during stimulation of the nipples at 11 gestational weeks of pregnancy that can trigger the appearance of colostrum even... in non-pregnant women.

Expectant mothers notice that their ability to work has increased, the nausea has stopped and, in general, life has become easier and more pleasant. This is the second trimester of pregnancy, usually cloudless. Toxicosis is receding. Up to 20-24 weeks is the most comfortable time, until the tummy has grown.

It also becomes easier in terms of frequent visits to the toilet. I mean, they're becoming less frequent. The relief is, however, temporary. After a few weeks, the fetus will grow and begin to put pressure on the bladder, causing nighttime trips to the toilet to begin again.

Many pregnant women are concerned about age spots, the so-called chloasma. The skin becomes pigmented in the abdomen, on the arms, in the armpits, and on the face. This is especially noticeable in white-skinned women. All this will pass gradually, over the course of several months after giving birth. Hormonally determined phenomenon. It's OK. But to prevent the pigmentation from being too bright, do not often go out into the open sun with unprotected skin while the sun's rays are direct, that is, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. And try to use sunscreen. The nipples also become noticeably pigmented. They become dark brown and the areolas become larger. The pigmentation of the nipples will remain for some time after childbirth, and then they will turn pink again.

Sometimes pain appears on the sides of the uterus. They are dull, aching, but not strong. This uterus puts pressure on the ligaments that support it, and they stretch. However, if at the same time the stomach becomes stone, then this is already called hypertonicity. If there is hypertension and pain, you need to consult a doctor. Usually, for such symptoms, Magnelis or Magne B6 tablets are prescribed. They relax the uterus well. And to calm mommy down, you can already drink valerian. Just not in the form of a tincture, since it is alcohol-based, but a decoction (brew sachets in water). If it is not pleasant to drink, you do not like the taste and smell, you can take valerian in tablet form orally.

Occasionally, dizziness and lightheadedness occur. This happens due to low blood pressure and low blood sugar. This is normal for pregnancy. But in order to prevent accidental falls, injuries, and generally improve your well-being, try to eat often, but little by little, and do not go hungry. Always carry a small bottle of water and a chocolate bar with you.

The problem is a violation of the vaginal microflora

During pregnancy, a woman undergoes vaginal smears 2-3 times. Tests are taken at the antenatal clinic and upon admission to the hospital. It often turns out that the smear is “not very good.” There are a lot of leukocytes, which indicates an inflammatory process, but the woman herself does not complain about anything. In this case, doctors prefer to play it safe and prescribe some broad-spectrum antibacterial agent that kills most harmful microorganisms. For example, chlorhexidine in the form of vaginal suppositories.

It should be noted that simply heavy vaginal discharge is not a pathology, even if it is whitish. This is not thrush. With vaginal candidiasis, severe itching is felt, the mucous membrane of the labia turns red. And inflammation is always visible in the smear. There is no point in trying to “treat” the discharge.

Bad urine test - why and what to do?

By this time, many mothers already visit the gynecologist once every 2 weeks and undergo urine tests on the same schedule. But it happens that nothing worries you, but the analysis comes back unsatisfactory - bacteria and protein are found in the urine. Why is this happening?

Often due to violations of collection rules. If vaginal discharge or a vaginal suppository (for example, Utrozhestan) gets into a jar of urine, then you can expect this result. There is only one piece of advice - wash yourself thoroughly before collecting urine and be sure to cover the entrance to the vagina with a cotton swab.

By the way, women who are treated with Utrozhestan, which takes a long time, sometimes until the end of pregnancy, in the evening, a few hours before the test, should not insert the capsule vaginally, but take it orally. This medicine can be used both vaginally and orally. The first option is preferable, but one oral dose will not reduce the effectiveness of the drug. By the way, the “quality” of urine can be determined even by eye - it should be completely transparent, without flakes or sediment.

If the retake of the test did not yield anything, the urine is still bad, most likely, mommy will be referred to a urologist. Without this doctor’s recommendations, you can only drink Canephron or cranberry and lingonberry juice. At 11 weeks or at a slightly longer period, at 12 weeks of pregnancy, protein in the urine does not yet mean the development of gestosis - late toxicosis of pregnancy. It only talks about infection. By the way, asymptomatic bacteriuria is typical for pregnant women. But it requires treatment with antibiotics. There is no need to be afraid of antibacterial agents; the inflammatory process is much more dangerous for mother and child.

Poor screening result - invasive and non-invasive methods for determining fetal karyotype

Last week, many expectant mothers underwent ultrasound and biochemical screening. But some of them got bad results - a high risk of chromosomal abnormalities. With such screening results, gynecologists refer women to geneticists. Those, in turn, advise some of them to conduct an analysis of the karyotype of the fetus. There are three ways to do this.

1. Chorionic biopsy. If the placenta is located on the anterior wall of the uterus, the doctor makes a puncture in the abdominal wall and penetrates the chorion through the wall of the uterus. From there he takes cells for analysis.

If the placenta is located on the back wall of the uterus, then you will have to insert a needle through the cervix. It's not painful, but you'll have to use bullet forceps on your cervix, which could potentially cause injury.

The entire procedure is performed under ultrasound control, so there is no risk that the doctor will “miss” and hit the fetus.

2. Amniocentesis. It is optimal at 14-16 weeks from conception and is safer than chorionic villus biopsy. In very rare cases, women who have undergone this procedure experience premature water breakage or infection of the membranes.

3. Non-invasive test. Fetal DNA is obtained from the blood of the expectant mother. An absolutely safe procedure. True, dear. It will cost at least 30 thousand Russian rubles. You can take the test already at this time. By the way, in addition to information about whether your child has chromosomal abnormalities, you will also find out his gender with 100% accuracy.

What happens to the fetus at eleven weeks

The baby is growing rapidly and its size can already be compared to a small peach. Many doctors consider this size to be ideal for the first screening. The child has become a little larger and you can better see him from all sides, even without the most modern ultrasound machine.

But you should not delay screening any longer, because if the fetus has severe malformations, terminating the pregnancy is now much easier and safer, both physically and psychologically. Fortunately, the detection of them (defects) at this stage of pregnancy is not too high. Most sick children stop developing at the embryonic stage.

Bile is already being produced in full in the fetal gall bladder, and the pancreas produces insulin.

All baby teeth are already formed and are still in the gums. True, sometimes there are cases when babies are born with teeth that have erupted. But this is rare.

The fetus produces red and white blood cells. White, that is, leukocytes, are produced by the bone marrow. And red, red blood cells, bone marrow, liver and spleen. In addition, the yolk sac may still be involved in this process, which is about to be reduced (disappeared).

The baby has hair growing on his head, very light, but still devoid of pigment. Also, sometimes on an ultrasound you can see the baby hugging himself with his arms or sucking his finger.

The fetal head remains very large. She will be big at birth too. Will it be in order? torso.

The baby continues to periodically make breathing movements, but so far they are not clearly visible during ultrasound examination. And in the later stages of pregnancy, an assessment of the “breathing” of the fetus will necessarily be carried out by an ultrasound diagnostic doctor.

The baby’s intestines are working, or rather, they are no longer moving. And although the baby has not eaten anything yet, feces are already beginning to form in him. They will come out naturally after birth. This is original stool, called meconium. By the way, if it begins to leave prematurely, during childbirth, a sign of this will be green amniotic fluid, then this will become an indicator of a dangerous complication - fetal hypoxia. The reason for this may be poor circulation in the vessels of the placenta and umbilical cord, compression of the umbilical cord, nodes on it, entanglement of the fetal neck, etc.

An increase or decrease in the volume of the fetal abdomen by more than 1.5 times is not a good symptom. An increase occurs with chromosomal pathology and intrauterine infection of the child. A child’s belly may be too large due to dilation of intestinal loops, enlargement of the spleen or liver, or existing fluid in the abdominal cavity. And too small with developmental delay. And if in the long term this can be explained by fetoplacental insufficiency, then in the short term it is one of the markers of chromosomal abnormalities.

Week 11, screening of the first trimester of pregnancy (video):

11th week of pregnancy

Week 11, first trimester screening


In addition to the intestines, the kidneys also work. They produce urine, which is formed as a result of the child swallowing amniotic fluid. The amniotic fluid changes daily.

What happens to the fetus at eleven weeks of gestation and later can be called “additional polishing”. The baby’s organs are all formed, but will continue to improve until the 26th week of embryonic development.

The child's brain also develops. And the pituitary gland is especially active, which already produces almost all hormones in such a relatively short period of time.

It is known that the second trimester of pregnancy, which is about to begin, is the safest and most comfortable. If a woman does not have isthmic-cervical insufficiency of the cervix, she is not at risk of miscarriage. Women usually lose their pregnancy in the first trimester. This is how nature itself decides - sick and non-viable embryos die. But the strongest remain and continue to develop.

Can mommy now afford to continue her intimate life? Yes, if a woman does not have a decidual polyp of the cervix (which bleeds at the slightest touch), vaginal bleeding of unknown origin, there are no symptoms of colpitis or vaginitis, and the chorion (placenta) is not located too close to the internal os.

As for low placentation, this is a very common problem. But as the uterus grows, the placenta usually rises as well. This process takes place especially quickly if the placenta is located on the anterior wall of the uterus. The back is a little slower.

In general, if there are no problems, then sexual activity is not prohibited at any stage of pregnancy. Sex does not lead to miscarriages and does not provoke premature birth.

The baby is getting bigger every day. Along with growth and weight, the fetus's needs for oxygen, nutrients, and building materials also increase. At the 11th week of pregnancy, the functions of providing the baby with everything necessary and removing waste substances are completely taken over by the placenta and umbilical cord, and the yolk sac, which previously performed these functions, gradually fades into the background and ultimately disappears. Due to the increased needs of the baby, a number of serious changes also occur in the mother’s body: metabolism increases, the amount of blood circulating in the vessels increases.

Fetal development at 11 weeks of gestation

The baby is growing: at week 11 his weight is 7-8 g, height is 5-6 cm. Such small size and amniotic fluid allow the fetus to actively move its limbs, bend and unbend its body, and roll over completely unnoticed by the woman. Mom will be able to feel these movements no earlier than in 5-6 weeks.

At 11 weeks of pregnancy Nervous system development continues crumbs. Every hour, thousands of nerve cells appear in his body, new nerve fibers are formed, new connections are formed between muscles, internal organs and the brain. The senses are improved - touch, smell and taste.

Together with the baby, his liver also grows, which at this stage performs the most important synthesizing function: it produces blood cells and protein substances, without which normal development of the fetus is impossible. The maturation of the digestive tract and urinary system continues. The baby's kidneys produce urine, which replenishes the amniotic fluid. By the way, at 10-11 weeks the formation of the external genitalia begins at the site of the genital tubercle, however, doctors will be able to determine the child’s gender with high accuracy a little later.

Also with particular caution expectant mothers should watch. Normally they are white or transparent, with a liquid consistency. Due to an increase in the volume of blood circulating in the body, the amount of these secretions may also increase. It is necessary to sound the alarm in the following cases:

  • If there is bleeding or profuse bleeding.
  • If vaginal discharge has acquired a brown, yellowish, greenish tint.
  • If the consistency of the discharge has become cheesy.
  • If there is itching in the genital area.
  • If, against the background of even a slight discharge of blood from the genital tract (for example, streaks of blood in the mucus), the stomach feels tight.

The reason for the change in the nature of vaginal discharge may be a sexually transmitted infection or the threat of miscarriage. In any case, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Another common problem that mothers face at 11 weeks of pregnancy and later is. In the first and second trimester, its appearance is associated mainly with hormonal changes. Due to the high concentration, all smooth muscles in a woman’s body relax, including the sphincters of the stomach, so gastric contents easily penetrate into the esophagus, which provokes attacks of burning behind the sternum. To cope with this problem without medications, it is advisable for expectant mothers to:

  • Don't overeat.
  • Do not go to bed immediately after eating.
  • Do not eat spicy or overly sour foods.
  • Don't wear tight clothes.

Tests and ultrasound at 11 weeks of pregnancy, first screening

When registering, the expectant mother has to undergo a lot of tests. Each of them is necessary to assess the woman’s health status and identify risks to the fetus. For example, it shows whether there is any inflammatory process in the body and whether the patient suffers from anemia. Clinical displays the condition and function of the kidneys. Tests for dangerous infections such as , , allow doctors to diagnose these ailments in a timely manner and do everything so that the baby is born healthy.

Shows how the liver and pancreas function, how the metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates occurs in a woman’s body. sheds light on disorders of the blood coagulation system and some complications of pregnancy.

Determination of blood group and Rh factor It is necessary for the expectant mother to identify the risk of a conflict between the organisms of the woman and the baby. Such a conflict may arise if the mother has a negative Rh factor and/or the first blood group (accordingly, the father of the child in such situations has a positive Rh factor or any blood group except the first).

In addition, in the first trimester of pregnancy (optimally from 11 to 13 weeks), the expectant mother must undergo a (double test).

  • Its main goal is to identify the risk of having a child with serious congenital pathologies:
  • (neural tube failure);

Edwards syndrome. The first screening involves examining a woman’s venous blood for free beta-units of human chorionic gonadotropin and pregnancy-associated plasma protein (the concentration of these substances is determined). The second important component of screening is , it is also advisable to carry it out from 11 to 13 weeks of pregnancy.

  • During this ultrasound examination, the doctor must pay attention to: KTR
  • – the length of the baby’s body from the crown to the tailbone. This parameter allows you to determine the gestational age with an accuracy of +/- 3 days. TVP
  • – the thickness of the collar space (we are talking about the accumulation of fluid on the back surface of the baby’s neck). Nasal bones

, which are not visualized in some genetic diseases.

The gynecologist evaluates the data obtained during screening comprehensively and, if there is a suspicion of any abnormalities, refers the woman to a consultation with a geneticist.

Improved well-being encourages many expectant mothers to return to their non-pregnant life and actively work. In principle, this is not bad, especially if the work is enjoyable and does not require excessive physical or mental stress. But there is one “but”. A pregnant woman should not forget about her position; she must follow the doctor’s recommendations regarding lifestyle, nutrition, rest, and taking vitamin supplements. The future mother's diet should be varied, healthy, and moderate in calories. If the gynecologist believes that the vitamins and minerals entering a woman’s body with food are not enough to cover the needs of two organisms, you can start taking special medications. In particular, we are talking about

In addition, the expectant mother needs to make certain adjustments to her lifestyle (if she has not done so before):

For the expectant mother Positive emotions and peace of mind are very important. Any stress causes a hormonal storm in a woman’s body and has a bad effect on the baby. If stressful situations are repeated day after day, there can be no talk of a normal pregnancy. This will definitely affect the well-being of the expectant mother and the development of the fetus.

The eleventh week is special in that your toxicosis has already passed and your emotional mood is improving every minute. All this happens due to the fact that your body has already established metabolism with the child. And the brain began to perceive that you are pregnant.

Fetal development

Your baby is now about 5-7 cm long, and your baby weighs about 7-10 grams.

The child grows diligently and gains weight, all his organs and body parts continue to develop. The placenta has enlarged and has more blood vessels. After all, it provides all the needs of your baby. Now, due to the fact that the placenta is working at full capacity, the baby is well protected from any infections. The only thing is that he is not protected from rubella. During this period, simply protect yourself from visiting institutions where there may be sick people.

One of the achievements in the development of the baby is the active development of the intestines. It is almost formed, although it still falls out into the umbilical cord, but this will change in a few weeks. The main thing is that right now he has already begun his activities. Also, the kidneys have already begun to fully perform their functions; they remove, with the help of the placenta, unnecessary secretions.

Your baby's heart works like an adult's, performing all its functions. The liver is also forming; at this stage of the baby’s development, it makes up 10% of the child’s total weight.

The baby’s neck is already beginning to develop, the muscles of the neck and chest have strengthened. In this regard, he can already move his head, lifting it from his chest. The eyes have already developed; they now have irises, which in the future will highlight the color scheme of the child’s eyes.

The child is actively growing, his cells are dividing and forming. During this period, the number of blood capillaries constantly increases, veins grow throughout the body and arteries appear. The endocrine system began its activity. The lungs continue to form; bronchi and trachea have already appeared.

The skeleton continues to form. The muscular system develops and tendons grow. The skin on the palms becomes sensitive, the child grabs everything with his hands. He has a new reflex - a grasping reaction. Your baby is active; he can turn around completely in 2 seconds. Now he can even do pull-ups.

The baby’s vocal cords have begun to form; they will be fully formed by the end of the twelfth week. Although he will only use them when he is born.

Is it possible to find out the gender of the baby yet?

The baby's genitals are actively developing and continue to form. Now the genitals of a boy and a girl are at such a stage of development that they are distinguishable from each other. And if you go for an ultrasound examination now, you can find out who is in your tummy, find out the sex of the child. Of course, only if your baby turns into the right position so that the doctor can see his genitals.

Woman's feelings

You no longer experience toxicosis. This is probably the main achievement in a woman’s feelings this week. Now when you wake up in the morning, you no longer feel nauseous. Your body returns to normal and you begin to feel an appetite.

Every day my emotional state improves. Now you are in a good mood and you wake up with a smile.

There are changes at the psychological level, now you realize that you are pregnant. The fears of losing your baby have passed, you no longer feel guilty. Now the moment has come when you start enjoying every moment of your life.

Also, to fully understand and accept pregnancy, psychologists recommend imagining your little one from the very beginning. And remember that the most important thing for a baby in the womb is that the mother feels good. When you feel good, the child feels good too. Of course, if you went for an ultrasound, emotionally you already knew for sure that you were going to have a baby.

Know that the stage of the emergence of a positive mood and the passing of toxicosis does not happen in one day, if you still feel mood swings or feel a little nauseous, just wait, every day your mood will improve.

You may also have a new sensation, it may make you feel hot, but you are not sick and your body temperature is normal. You may sweat heavily and be constantly thirsty. This happens because your metabolism changes and the amount of blood in your body increases. These new sensations will not harm you or your child in any way.

Because hormonal changes are constantly happening in your body, they can affect your nails and hair. For some, they become stronger, while for others, on the contrary, they become brittle.

What happens in the female body?

The main change in the female body is the growth of the uterus. Now it has increased in size so much that it covers almost the entire woman’s pelvis. It can already be felt in the lower abdomen, just above the pubic bone. During this period, due to the fact that the uterus has increased to such a size, many women’s tummy begins to stand out.

During the 11th week of pregnancy, the gastrointestinal tract has not yet fully adapted to the new metabolism, which is why you may experience constipation and a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen. Due to constipation, which often occurs during this period, hemorrhoids may appear. At first, you may not even pay attention to it, since its size is small. But, when examined by a doctor, he will notice it and prescribe special exercises so that it does not increase in volume.

You also have to run to the toilet less. Urination is normalized, since the uterus has stopped constantly pressing on the bladder area. Now it has already grown and is located in the abdominal cavity. If urination is painful, consult a doctor, this is cystitis. At this time, you should not be bothered by any pain when urinating.

Pain in the lower back and lower abdomen should be completely gone this week. Any discharge from the genital tract other than light and uniform should alert you. Of course, if you have bloody discharge, call an ambulance immediately, such discharge can lead to the risk of miscarriage.

Intimate life at 11 weeks

Please note that blood is donated on an empty stomach and after eliminating fatty foods from your diet a few days before the test. As a result of these two tests, it will be possible to judge the likelihood of developing Down syndrome and Edwards syndrome.

So, depending on the level of certain blood proteins and plasma proteins, as well as on the age and weight of the pregnant woman, the presence of bad habits and other factors, the probability of developing pathologies in this fetus is calculated. The risk of giving birth to an unhealthy baby increases in pregnant women whose results showed a value lower and equal to 1 in 250 (1:250). If the result is positive, the pregnant woman is sent to a geneticist for additional tests, and, for example, a chorionic villus biopsy is prescribed.

Stomach pain at 11 obstetric weeks of pregnancy. What could it be?

It is important to know the nature of the pain. Brief or mild tingling in the lower abdomen and tension on the sides usually indicate stretching of the muscles that hold the uterus.

Nagging pain in the lower abdomen (as before menstruation or in the first days) plus brown or bloody discharge indicates a threat of miscarriage. In such cases, it is necessary to use a safe antispasmodic agent, for example papaverine suppositories (rectally), and immediately consult a doctor.


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